The future of ET-Reloaded

So as we all know RTCW2 Multiplayer was a huge failure.
A: Simple, it had nothing to do with RTCW's Multiplayer, which is still played (1.0,1.4) and probably even more played than RTCW2 nowadays! Due to the gameplay, which was different, and the tendency to CoD's realism.

If my mind isn't slipping, CS:Source was developed as the successor of CS 1.6, and it wasn't a success also (correct me if i'm wrong), i'd even consider it as a failure also, since it also had the tendency to realism.

So the main point of my Journal is... CS:GO seems to be making a good success.
Steam developed CS:GO, which is CS 1.6 with today's graphics, same gameplay & same maps (as far as i know).
Why wouldn't they make the same for ET? :D

Do you think its worth to do some pressure or something on Steam to do the same on ET as with CS 1.6?
ET was just the most played online game at some point and still the most enjoyable, even for people who don't play it anymore... would be good for Steam, and for us, ET fans.
Just imagine, ET with today's graphics, same gameplay & same maps. Would probably go on the most played games once again.

You're oppinion?

image: big-white-booty-milf-bending-over
wait, theres a RTCW2?
Off course, it was out in 2009 or smthn. The fact that you didn't know it, shows how much success it made ;p

Here's an example of it's gameplay:
oh, you meant wolfenstein. thats not rtcw2 tbh
LMAO xD it looks retarded..

did Snowstorm come up with this game?

image: c_pic_pera

Only ID Software/Splash Damage has the rights to do that.
CSS Was a big commercial success just not in competitive.
IMO it's not because it was that much differance but just because pros don't like to change , they fear to lose skill if they do.
well yea...and all those fucked up hitboxes too
ET: GO now in stores.
no! no! no! et:s !
GO is successful because all the pros were forced to move to GO since all the tournaments went there. If 1.6 still had tournaments I'd say GO would've been in same situation as CS:S
what? no, its the advertisment and all the money from sponsors that helpt the the big events and that attracted more and more ppl. csgo is growing bigger and bigger almost everyday and thats because the dev. team is actualy trying to make a better game for both players and spectators.
Chicken and the egg. If all the top players stuck with 1.6 then the tournaments would soon go back to 1.6,
Why would you stick in 1.6 when there are no tournaments and no profit?
exactly, tournaments and prizes forced people to move to CS:GO -- else they wouldn't have bothered mostly I guess
which is why splashdamage had that massive prized Brink tournament that ati_ and guys participated in, to try to "force" players to play it and grow to like it
But the problem is.. From what game they tried to force people to do that? xd those things dont work if you dont have huge fan base from an earlier game of yours and if the games aint even near similar..
cod, bf, ET -- whoever was interested in money. the game was just too broken
Speaker, I may be completely wrong here, but did you used to play ET back in the day, like 2004-2005?:), remember iDan? I think you used the alias Rebel, or am I barking up the wrong tree?
actually most of the pros started liking csgo more than 1.6 but yes tournaments are the main reason why ppl moved to csgo i think.
csgo is going huge actualy, started to get real high prize money almost close starcraft2

even if you do put up steam on et and u somehow get over 10.000ppl to download and install it. it has not ben updated it has no "play now" button (for compettitive play) and 99% of the newcomers dont even know what irc is, let alone find a 3on3 / 6on6 or 2/5 more ppl to play with.
Well it could use somehow a close war system to League of Legends's
that would be awesome 5years ago but i think its just to late today
You do know that its not hard to change this? Its just a texture pack.
With a texture pack update you wont get much better graphics, just look at ET-Xreal (which failed). Bit better graphics, but lower fps.

We need a new game with the new technologies implemented, and try to keep the movement / gameplay the same. A better texture pack wont attract new players.

There are some cool ideas, like make ET downloadable/playable from steam, there was some request also, but nothing happened.

Another cool idea is ET-live, but now browsers dropped support for OpenGL as far as I know, so no idea whats up with that project atm.

Now if CG makes some good ladders/cups, and if they can make a decent anticheat, then the game can survive, maybe some players will even come back to play (like me).
totally agreed
Would rather have an updated RTCW. I'm sure someone is going to come back at me with some wanky reply, but it really is the better of the two games.
only because you're baiting the reply. :D it's all opinion, it's not like RTCW>ET #FACT G5BOOM. you prefer RtCW, not everyone does.

ps. I prefer rtcw, will not go as far as to say it's a better game though.
It's not going to happen for either game, so thankfully we don't have to worry about which one is better. :P
with steam the game would for sure become much more popular and known in the newer gamer generation i guess,
what would provide some more activity.
but why better graphics if most players play with a low graphics cfg? :o
because every kid nowadays is like "look at that shit graphic, aint gonna play this old shit, I'd rather stick to 4 hours of CoD singleplayer fun"
and probably waste alot of money on games they cant even play because of their shitty 4xxx amd card
...and probably waste a lot of money on games they dont even like after just checking the new and cool graphic :d
dem hypes man, it's just like Yu-gi-oh cards in elementary school.
Quote by PowiWe need a new game with the new technologies implemented, and try to keep the movement / gameplay the same. A better texture pack wont attract new players.

It's not the graphic's itself i'd say, but the commercial effect of a NEW ET, with the same gameplay.

Actually on CS:GO the pro's also decrease the quality of graphics. But it's the "good" graphics, that attracts the newcommers, like on ET on the past. When most players started liking et with it's then "good graphics" (2003/2004), they started not caring for quality itself, but improve their gameplay ; -)
Source was more successful than GO will ever be.
not that im following any communities or anything so correct me if im wrong, csgo has more active players then 1.6 & source, competitivly speaking the prize pool of a single tournament is bigger then probably all tournaments that wer played in the seasson/year for cs:s, there is much more viewers watching the games and there is much more fun mods for a casual gamer to play, afaik.
Still it was almost impossible to get a scrim game at 2 am?
And How do you do some pressure on steam when there's actually only a few nerdz still playing that game ?
As of this sunday I am starting weekly programming classes so I can save ET. will keep you guys posted
I quited my studies as a programmer but I guess I'll go back just to make a new ET :S
I like the idea of Steam tbh... People should be able to dl ET from Steam!
Buuuulllllllshit. There is no way to rescue ET. New anticheat won't do much either. :( Boohooo
It will stop the paranoia like TZAC did
Well honestly it won't but whatever. for some reason i dont trust CG anticheat but i guess it's better than nothing :P UAC was just a failure in all ways since it wasnt forced to use in ladder games
UAC wasn't forced in ladder games because too many teams and players were opposed to playing with it (I still don't see why, but that's a different story). The ladders would have been rather inactive if we had made UAC mandatory in all ClanBase matches. :P
I know but yeah
uac was for most of the laptop users laggy shit :) not even fun to play with
I have played on a laptop for years and never lagged on UAC, TZAC, or PB. Maybe I'm just lucky.
ye i said 'most of the laptop users' and i never lagged on tzac or pb, only uac
Weren't you banned for cheating during the time of UAC? Why would you have needed it.
lol I played in a laptop as well not a single fps drop.
fking said 'most of the laptop users' ....i had fps drops
didnt know it was a well known statistic...for what I can see only few people had fps lag and it isnt probably because uac but their shit pc and blame lag on anything
look at this fag here, the cg anticheat is not even out but he doesnt trust it already, damn this is why we cant have nice things man..
Hehe. :---D Yeah look at this fag here!! The reason why is only because it's not made for ET its just a common anticheat coded for the use of ET. Not that I'm any expert in this but I've got the feeling tzac was our best shot and its gone with the wind now
It wont really feel like ET anyway, most of ppl who played this game for long time, are by now used to its design, graphics and engine, updating that with new stuffs would just make more playeres confused and wont really give them impression they are playing new "ET": Good examples were that new wolf they done, brink and now extraction which i dont see it being future ET as well.

The thing is, productions went far with graphics in this time of 10 years, since ET was out and nowadays teenagers are tend to look only at fancy graphics otherwise they will call games ugly (good example u can see at CG forums, COD players commenting on ET fragmovies).

Second thing is, if u realize ET demands A LOT more aiming than any other FPS game at general, sometimes u have to shoot out entire clip in order to win duels, as well as in general ET compared to other FPS games require a lot more time investiment in order to even achive low+ level which lead to most of newcomers giving up after certain time.

Best thing for ET (dobut it would even be added to stream with all the patches being there, it was already though of that before, but was too complicated to make it as simple as download and play situation) is to get a good promotion and a decent anti cheat and then hopefully at least gaining some new and old players back at this game.
will never happen tho...
and even if it would, the game would never be as good as in the early 2003,2004,05,06 days...the old "meta" was soooo much fun, but as people got better they discovered more efficient strategys which kinda ruined the early days fun of ET in my oppinion...those early days on maps like fueldump,battery,oasis,radar...shit was EPIC...
im sure frameskipping has something to do with this
With the new anticheat if it comes out, et will have 50 percent more activity plus if something like nc, ec, oc and lans comeback it will increase activity in 150 percent, i still enjoy this game and im sure 90 percent people who have played it enjoy it also.
Just my opinion tho,
2 many numbers :`D
We will start with tournaments/cups after v5 version at CG is released and all set.
I noticed that was just saying,
Obrigado for the info :D muahhhh
Me likes ur portuguese skillssss :p
hah if i only wouldnt be so lazy to keep studying :(
If u need some help on portuguese u can count on me to help you out. :)
Its more about, i have the material, but somehow lost motivation to keep going. :(
Yes, this game needs tournaments to increase the activity. A NC right now would be excellent
good idea, dunno how u wanna make steam to do it tho
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