SC2 now mostly F2P

hello.with release of new 2.1 patch sc2 gets free2play for most of the part,with only campaign and ladder still requiring full game, which means all of custom games and arcade games are free, so anyone that wanted to try sc2 but was unable because he didnt want to pay the game, can now play freely.

edit: yes, all hots and wol maps / units are free to play, with all 3 races

there is also mod called Starbow, that is mix of SC2 and BW, including a shitton of BW units,so any BW fanboys,try it out
interesting, might try it out
Nice. Btw hi
hots too?
hi setup

yes hots units/maps should be available too...i didnt try starte edition but i think its possible.some of you guys install the starter and tell me, but according to their notes it should be available
Starbow's a pretty fun mod :P I never played BroodWar before but i kinda enjoyed it!

Do you know the french team RBlood btw?
yea saw that tag on ladder
Explain to me why i have to face some Masters / Grand Masters like them when i'm playing 2v2 / 3v3 with my mates. We're all between Gold and Platinium league
because teamgames have seperate mmr from 1v1
Yup i know, but they're ranked in the Master league aswell in those formats. Ranking system's experiencing quite a lot of problem aswell atm. I'm not really playing 1on1, therefor i'm in Bronze League right now, played like 3 games and faced 2 times Diamond players
mmr decay maybe,mmr drops as u get more and more inactive
You mean royalblood?
Guess their full team name is indeed RoyalBlood :P
They stole our clan name then!!!!
i've just seen it on the iem stream. Looked pretty nice and i think they needed it too since sc2 popularity has shrinked. Also the coverage of sc2 events is not that big anymore afaik.
Finally they maybe found a way to get more players/viewers, because I feel like it decreased so hard the last year :P
is free for some time if you got a buddy who has the game and he invites you into a loby and u can play ranked games \o/

oh and btw

Slovenia Starbuck ftw!
I want my fucking money back, especially after all that Diablo 3 bullshit.
dont buy bad games!
hahaha, never pay for their games ;p
Sorry frozz but S.W.I.N.E is also F2P, the best RTS of all time.

image: zTklW8m
that pic makes me want to switch asap!
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