120 hz monitor

Thinking of buying a new monitor. Don't know if 120 or not since i don't play that much anymore.

The question is that how much edge does 120hz give me compared to the usual 60hz in FPS games?

The Benq xl2411t is quite often praised here. How are the colors and angles when not playing?
you get 10% more to your skill when you do this upgrade. Very good monitor.
you mean u see 10% faster than 60hz users, besides of smoothness
I don't have the specific monitor you listed, but I do own the BenQ XL2420T and I love it. 120hz is definitely a game-changer; its night and day with how you will play. BenQ has the 'gaming monitor' market down pat currently, especially in a competition environment. There is also a pretty active community that creates 'color profiles' that you can download for specific games (i.e. the Battlefield 4 profile adjusts the black hues on the monitor to make them more crisp in game). If you have the money to spend on one, and still like to play rather competitively, I would highly recommend it.
Tbh 120hz is even good for daily desktop usage... the crosshair moves alot smoother... once u test it u won't ever want to go back!
it does give u 60hz edge compared to the usual 60hz
blablabla 120hz changes your life blablabla

Actually the monitor's response time and pixel response time is much more important. I mean response time, so the monitor can display the image without delay, and pixel response time as it can display the image blur-free. 120hz is good only, if the monitor can perform these things above.

Benq xl2411t is good in everything.
Additionally, you also need to have the appropriate hardware to run everything at 120+ FPS.
totally bullshit.

120hz is smoother than 60hz even if your fps are lower than 120 (even at 20 fps that would be smoother)
That's actually pretty damn good, it's such a short comment and you still managed to cram more than one misconception in there. Do you even know what the abbreviation "FPS" means?
frops per second ?
The Benq xl2411t is quite often praised here.

Get it, best product you'll ever purchase.
Absolutely xl2411t, ~290€
I prefer my crt. But if i could affort good 120Hz monitor would buy 5/5.
xl2411t or xl2420t, both fine
I'm using it, decent monitor buy it.
ASUS VG248QE should be slightly cheaper and similar specs/parts
I have a Korean monitor 27" at 2560x1440 running with 100hz. I was used to a 100 hz CRT so it was a must. Very happy with my purchase.
120hz is top also prizes are a bit higher, but the difference... I remember when i got CRT monitor arround dunno 85 hz and it was a big difference than now when i look this stupid 60hz wide screen stuff. But ok that time when i bought monitor, 120hz was like 300€ more :)
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