CG & CF vs Cheaters

image: t9RQ6Oh

The decision has been made to reinstate the old policy of banning cheaters from Crossfire. It is something that was done in the past but hasn't been enforced for a while. United Kingdom Artstar and United Kingdom MerlinatoR, the brotherly duo who run this lovely website, have made it clear that they would like to see this happen once again.

From now on, all players banned on CyberGamer for cheating will be banned on CF for double the length of their ban on CG. We are hoping that this will not only help cheaters realize how stupid they are for using cheats but that it will also discourage others from doing the same.

All four players mentioned in my last journal are now banned on Crossfire, along with our latest addition to the CyberGamer EU ET ban list:

United States of America

Reason: cheating in an official match
Length: 12 months

As always, if you think someone has cheated, feel free to send us the demo or link to a GamesTV replay along with timestamps, and we will look into it.

I don't have much else to say for now. We are still waiting on CG v5 to be released before announcing our first cup season, and hopefully CGAC will support ET very soon. Stay tuned!

CyberGamer EU Enemy Territory
bye nazty
happy full nazty
lol y yu liein he aint cheat kill yurself kid
QuoteThe decision has been made to reinstate the old policy of banning cheaters from Crossfire.

image: 4DCCW

QuoteKillerboy comeback inc

image: E2PDzRU
I miss you banning people from demo evidence, seems its almost possible to get anyone banned for demos these days :/ and hi btw garym8-b4only
To ban someone based on demo evidence, you need both the brains and balls to do it, unfortunately not every demo will allow you to have both :p
True, but nowadays there are so obvious cheaters im still struggling to understand why they arent banned yet, thats why we need a comeback from certain maltese..
hmm maybe because of the lack of IP/GUID official logs to match on CF/CG, dunno.
VYJII for example, after his latest comeback.
That game isnt bannable, as its pre-CG (admins policy).
Yeah, that's absolutely retarded policy.
Is it?

The match you linked is a "fake" ladder match during the time ClanBase was down. We have no way whatsoever of confirming who is who in that game.

Not only that, but as I've already explained before, we are not enforcing CB bans on CG due to no access to the database. It simply doesn't make sense to ban some players who were banned on CB or would have been banned on CB but not others.

The process of banning players from a league is not the same as banning players from a public server. There are rules and policies to follow.
Fucking hell, what rules and policies?
Did he cheat? Yes he did.

It's not so fucking hard, not like ANYBODY would complain about this cunt being banned.
You clearly do not understand what I'm saying.

This isn't NBS where you can mute/kick/ban whoever you want without needing to back it up with proof or defend or explain yourself.

If a player is banned on CG and I don't have solid evidence that a) he was cheating and b) he is who I say he is, he can simply appeal and get unbanned by people with more authority than me.

Besides, the majority of cheat accusations thrown around by players like yourself are nothing more than paranoia.
:D You clearly know fuck all about me. Im one of these guys, who rarely accuse someone of cheating, and never if they dont have any proof they do.

Only people I've been calling out for are Nazty, Base and Vyjii and ALL of them cheated on gamestv and they got away with it. Funny that, isnt it?
Yes, you're right. I don't know very much about you or why you are always acting so aggressively towards me and the other CG admins. I've already explained to you why banning cheaters from CG is slightly more difficult than banning cheaters from a public server.

NaZtY is already banned. Feel free to provide timestamps of base and/or Vyjiii cheating in a CG match, and we will look into it.
gg wp, think you won this one ohurcool
dude you need a snickers
Can't you ban as if he was cheating on public server like it happened in CB?
I stopped at that aswell, think he didnt mean to put it this way. :(
Why reply to him and not me? I think I've explained myself fairly well to you already, but please feel free to let me know if you have any other issues with how we run things.
Not really, especially not if there isn't any way to match the player in-game with his CG account.
No server logs available?
Was it available before?
Which server was it then?
It doesn't matter, and I'm not interested in discussing it any further. You can ask fanatic if you really want to know.
Just wondering how come server logs of GTV server are not available, that does not sounds right.
Simple, they played on other server, which has not entered/wrong rcon password.
Well, no one has reported him... We can't be expected to ban these "so obvious cheaters" if nobody is going to bother to let us know who is cheating and when and where.

As I said in the journal, make timestamps if you think someone has cheated, and we'll gladly take a look.
Well for me its hard to understand your logic, when there is for example an 6 minute round to watch, not really worth making timestamps especially when the round is full of obvious actions (naztys case, vyjiis case).
I have players PMing me daily with nothing more than a GTV matchlink, saying "hey ohurcool ban this cheater pls", and I'm simply not going to spend my time watching entire matches because someone has a hunch that one or two of the players were cheating.

The democrew is not supposed to be a security blanket to help make the community feel better; it is a means of processing demo submissions with timestamps. It is not a replacement for an anticheat.
Well just request the GTV match yourself make some timestamps and send them to the admin crew? If you think it is not worth it then dont complain.
Wow, thats so fucking utterly retarded im not even going to explain it to you, because you either understand my point or then you dont.
lol calm the fuck down nerd. You dont seem to understand, it doesnt work like this:
Hi ohurcool pls ban cheater pliss its so obvious!!
It works like this: You make timestamps(even if its a 1:40 round) saying where YOU think X player cheats, send the gtv link or demo if you have it and they will review it.

You either understand that or you dont ;)
And thats the problem with the new admins, compared to old admins.

Didnt see the match, just read the comments, but random polaks playing way too good lately imo
Not very helpful. :( I guess I'll add that to the long list of other GTV matches to watch without timestamps!
Good luck! Keep it up untill the new anticheat. Hopefully there'll be one
Read: this wont be watched.

maybe time stamp when you think there are cheat actions and it will probably be bumped up the queue.
He came in 3rd of EC with erase, so those 3 gtv links don't really matter a lot to him
ur the busted cheator here, ssh pls
why u sent links where u lost offis?XD
You've been already busted, what the actual fuck
if you forgot, I have personaly banned you from ESL for cheating so keep calm dude^^
ok random french: )
too much work with too less appreciation
I knew this day would come

image: Good_Guy_Gary_700
lolled hard :D
aahhaa best one !!! i even loged in to write this :_D
Finally, took so much time tho! Good job anyway.

Watchout vyjii base etc :)

I want to see one last comment of him in that sarcastic font saying:"/q bobika to bust someone"
good job !
image: T4d2
what nazty's life will become without ET , i wonder..
lol dude you still like shakira? :d
awesome, good job guys :D
wtf, why ban someone who hasn't even been accused by people like sqzz,razz etc yet ? Only a bunch of randoms accused him and he gets banned ggimage: chansub-global-emoticon-ddc6e3a8732cb50f-25x28
I see what u did
Lets believe a online only kid like upload who think his pro yet never play in top level like dialer fanatic the real polish starsimage: chansub-global-emoticon-ddc6e3a8732cb50f-25x28 Cu
great news
c u natzy, I told u
nice, bb nerd
Not on the list :D
base from zero to hero from what I've heard
as long as you dont permanently ban people like in the past
No one has ever been perm banned for cheating.
only gnajda, for advertising cigarettes.
and me, for disappointing tosspot
thats not a totally bad idea
you clearly aren't
nah tosspot eventually quit crossfire and couldn't reban me again when others decided i should be unbanned

before that he rebanned me 4 times or so, every time minutes after sol had unbanned me
why is sol unbanning cheaters
its a shame isnt it? :D
shame most cheaters get a second chance even to play ;)
some of them might change
finally this most obvious faggot in the scene got banned...
what about results of matches where he played?
Only matches where it's been proven he cheated will be forfeited.
I still have no idea who the hell is this nazty but keep up the good work!
Heres what's gonna happen
Stage 1: Denial (he will deny everything)
Stage 2: After being shown the proof he will call everyone nerds for caring about cheating in a dead game
Stage 3: He might pull a weslann
Stage 4: He will buy new internet and change his nickname, coincidentally some skilled guy from jaymod will turn up and play with the same people.
More like this:
Stage 1: Trying to communicate with "lol nerd faggot yu lol back behind pc lol mad nerd"
Stage 2: Check stage 1
i like the last part
ye man xD you should see..while you were away from playing azpiliqueta came..everyone thought it was you lol
lolled hard
Can you predict my future aswell? :P
lets be honest, everybody here wants to see teh return of /!\
wheres my journal friend
quite busy atm, will make one this weekend puinky promise!
i'll be waiting!
Great could you ban AlexL for life ?
see you nazty
lol at smirzz :D
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