HBC moving to a new home

Good afternoon gents!

As the title says, (HBC) will be moving to a new server. Next week we will set up a redirect from the old server to the new one, but I thought I'd let you know here aswell.

Location: Germany

VSP Stats

Mod: ETPRO 3.2.6
Gametype: Campaign
AntiCheat: PunkBuster

  • Mine limit reduced to 20 from 30

Apart from that it's still all the same.

Hope to see you guys there! :)

- (HBC)KruisHaar
HBC Forum
good sever, but i am still banned by admin :(
What's your ingame name? (preferably at time of banning but aight, most used ingame name would probably work aswell)
mine is S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
Well that's nice honey! Are you just letting me know or also appealing a ban? :P
my name was oppenheimer and i got banned on 28 or 29th of august. I even posted at your forum ( Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:52 am ) but i got no response.
Aight blubbzor, yeah your appeal has gone below radar a bit. I've asked the other admins aswell and will get back to you soon. Will probably be before the end of the week, sorry for the delay (of about a few months:/)!
PunkBuster Server: Guid ****************************** has been Unbanned

You should be alright now. Sorry it took so long to respond!
You should hide the guid ;) replace some letters with ***
Good thinking, thanks!
unban me aswell :/

name: clarkee
I cant do much for you like this...
Give me your PB guid and/or IP, date of ban if known in either a PM here or a post on our forum and Ill have a look
he's actually really cheating on public servers though
What Kalli said
Obviously gonna be there :}
Best pub server, I wish you loooong years!
serv aint that bad - but admins always threat a ban and kick for nothing - not only me but also a lot of other players - since i was kicked for defending one and talkinig about the reason he got kicked i didnt play there anymore
We really do not ban or kick for nothing. Sometimes a mistake is made but this doesn't happen often.

It doesn't really help if this happens and doesn't get noted. If you don't wanna play on the server anymore that's fine, but you're more than welcome on the new server to give it a try (or ofcourse, post on forum what happened and see what leads from that).
I've never visited your server, but it's nice to see a seemingly mature and reasonable public server admin for a change. :P Keep up the good work!
Thanks! Will do : )
nice asslick.. you want ref???
He ain't gettin sht, if he comes over he might get slapped once or twice but that's it : D
Good! That's what he deserves!
I never had that problem, not even when LABRAT knew I was CB banned.
the "prone" master server ! :)
good luck!
I've sworn several times to never connect to the HBC server again.

Since you've come on here though being this polite, I guess I could give it a shot to forgive and forget and try with a fresh start on your new server.
Thats nice to hear :)
Like I said to the other guy, if something's off that we can fix then let us know.

See you on the field :P
Everytime I've been on the HBC server I've just gotten the feeling that it's the admins versus the players and if you make a statement questioning whatever you're accused of you're instantly kicked off the server. Which has happened to me at least twice.

But you seem like a nice fellow and I appreciate your approach to everyone here.
same here coz banned w/o a reason..
Well you know, you could always, and bear with me now okay? you could... you know, send me a PM or post on HBC forum like everyone else who thinks their ban was unfair does... just a thought though.
easier to connect to nbs :) but maybe one day just maybe :P
Cool server, but axis side is too overpowered on some maps like oasis. You should adjust mine settings/heavy weapons by map.
Nice serv, but too much panz/ rifles/ mines allowed and spawnkilling isn't allowed D:
It's about time the server got moved, I know you lot been busy trying to get it running smoothly the past weeks just hope it's done done soon.
lol noob :i
No, you! >:(
ur definitely gonna see me there! never had problems with the admins..
only playing for fun now and HBC is a good server to waste some time..
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