Your facebook fanpages


anyone with a fb fanpage here? Let's likewhoring a bit?
click me

I actually logged in just to reply to this thread. Now you might not think that's such a big deal... however consider that sometime ago I lost my password. I had to request a new password, which was a jumble of numbers sent to me by I never got around to changing it to something I could remember, so now every time I log in, I have to go to gmail, search for this site, find the email where my new password is kept, and copy/paste it into the password field on this forum.
I actually went through this entire process just to tell you, OP, that you are by far, the biggest, most absurdly socially inept C-U-N-T that I have ever heard from. I hope that you go to class in a suit every single day, just so I can have the pleasure of knowing that you will never ever feel the loving touch of a woman.
Oh the irony
what are you calling me a faggot?
bwaaahahahah wow you must be so alpha. So everyone who has a fanpage and is likewhoring must be a bloody virgin nerd huh? Well son, i must disappoint you xD
I felt more clits you probably will ever speak to (therefore my nick) ;) and you rly dindt think one single moment that the fact that you are going trough such an odyssey to login and post this shit could others make belive yourself are the biggest hatertard-virgin ever?
image: i-know-that-feel
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