Problems installing CGAC


I get this weird error message during installation:
Error 1308. Sourcefile not found: [path to CGAC.exe.] Verify that the file exists and that you can acces it.

If i ignore the error, the installation runs but then i get next error when i try to run the program: Windows can open this fille.

I've tried with and without firewall and still not working. Anyone else got that/how to fix it?

Edit: I managed to install the AC after I removed the file from guarantee but when I activate the firewall back it finds the same virus and deletes installation. Where can I make expection for that virus (I got F-secure)? I already allowed the program but clearly it wasnt enough..
Did you extract the .zip file before installing?
yeah i did, followed the instruction carefully.
badkip says it's either an issue with your antivirus or you didn't extract properly.
hmm weird, i tried without antivirus also. gonna have try again then ^^
yeah it was the firewall. but still when i activate the firewall back the same virus gets found and installation gets deleted. then i made exeption for the AC in firewall but it still finds that same virus..
which AV are u using? Is it Windows defender or u have any external installed?
F-secure, I have removed windows defender :-D i'll look into the problem later. im quite sure that the problem is quite easy to solve now that i know where to look :)
I guess i could suggest visiting this site and browse around a bit to find the solution on how to add exceptions.
there are 2 files, use setup.exe instead of CGAC installer or smthing
i've tried both. also reinstalled that framework.
it means that system didnt find the file, i would suggess to unzip it again and then start "CyberGamer Anti-Cheat Installer".
Got same problem bro
its about the anti-virus u need to turn off anti virus and it will work
The error msg does not indicate that its anti virus problem, its more like the file is corrupted / not being detected by the system, therefore not being able to execute it.

Might try for users to run it as administrator.
tried as administrator also.
What OS are u running?
windows 7, 64bit
Do u have teamviewer?
no, whats that?
program to assist remotely over different pc.
Btw, did u extract entire folder out of zip file not only exe?
everything that was inside the zip
i had the same problem and i turned off avg and it worked
Pretty sure its the antivir, mine did put it in quarantine too. That explains the msg and is much more likely then being corrupted because its not such a big file.
Could be, but that would mean that the AV removed the file before u were even able to start it up, tho he said that he disabled anti virus, but yeh that could be the reason for it as well.
no its not. i've tried without antivirus.
It doesnt find cgac.exe. Its missing because your av has put it to guarantine or deleted it. You need to do repairinstall to get the cgac.exe back.

100% sure it will work if you just whitelist cgac.exe in your av. I dont know why ppl still have problems like this, same with slac, same with tzac, same with hacks, same with cracks, same with all heuristic shits
yeah managed to remove the file from guarantine and managed to install it. but when i activate my firewalla again it finds the same virus and the installation is useless. yet i havent found where exactly i can make exception in f-secure to allow that file, the program i have allowed. frustrating....
Havent used fsecure for years so cant help :( keep looking for the whitelist!
Can't you check the md5 make sure file wasn't corrupt or anything?
are you sure you're antivirus is off? I had same problem and i turned my AVG off and it works fine now
otin f-securen pois, latasin uudestaan ja nyt toimii.
mutta kun laittaa f-securen takasin päälle niin löytää taas viruksen ja ac:ta ei voi käyttää -,-
kuka käyttää f-securea?
tulee ilmaseksi opintojen puolesta
ei sitä siltikä
no eiksen voi laittaa jostain et se ei poista sitä?
Voi, on siel se skannauksista skipatut tiedostot jossain jemmas
check the contents of the zip file
check the folder to where u extracted the files, notice anything missing?
I have the same problem :/
I deactivated my AV and all the firewall stuff on my computer and I still can't install it.
Anyone who can help me?
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