ET on win8.1

Hi guys,

I just wanted to play some good old ET and despite having searched for hours on the interwebs I've had no luck of finding any fix for the fps drops in ET under win8.1. What happens is that I have constant 125 fps but every 5-6 seconds it drops to say about 10 and basically the game stops for a split second then moves on. I already tried setting process affinity to force ET to run on one processor core only but it did not help. Has anyone actually managed to run ET on win8.1 smoothly and if so, how? Or is it a win8 uninstall for me?XD

Many thanks in advance!!

running on:
win 8.1 pro
core2duo e8400 3ghz
gtx 460 v2 1gb
Thanks! I'll take a look at these.
After that I just need to figure out how to update TZAC x) because none of the listed fixes here helped so far
hf figuring out how to update tzac :P

ps. tzac is dead
ah alright, thx:D only temporarily though?
so until CGAC is released it's back to PB only then?
cgac was released few days ago :D
yay! cool :D
thanks! too bad there isn't something like that for pubs
Well as for now, it is mandatory for CG officals, which is still better than no anti cheat at all, but who knows how things are going to work in future.
Thanks again for your help guys!
After tweaking some 3d settings in the nvidia control panel as seen below, I get smooth fps now
In the end I did not even need to set processor affinity

image: 24e146e
image: 25ptgzm
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