3on3 WC Update

image: 2q38128

As you all know, for the 3on3 World Cup Kenzi and I are trying to get this tournament running through CyberGamer. The only problem at the moment is that the site is not compatible with hosting external tournaments. This means that we cannot currently confirm the CGAC as AntiCheat for the cup.

We can however say that the CG Staff is doing their best to get the tournament page running within a few days, which would mean we will force CGAC during the cup.

This is the response I got from a CG Admin:
Quote by Jonn
Hi Tim,

Unfortunately the anti-cheat works by sending the data to CG related match IDs only. If you enter in a match ID that does not exist no information will be sent, thus effectively rendering the anti-cheat useless.

However, I shall pass this issue onto our developer who, if all going well, should be able to have this platform up and running within the next few days. If your tournament can wait, we would love to be your host.



CG EU Site Admin

Just for now we can not confirm this AntiCheat. We are hoping to do this within the next days. Be sure to register yourself on the CyberGamer website, and make sure your partners are registered also. This way when the tournament page is online, you can easily register your team for the cup.

In the meanwhile, do not forget to sign up for the cup. We have rescheduled the deadline for sign-ups to the 18th of February. This gives you 2 weeks to sign your team up by sending a PM to me or Kenzi:
Kenzi: http://www.crossfire.nu/user/33719/Kenzi
timbolina: http://www.crossfire.nu/user/42161/timbolina
With the following information:
- Team Name
- Line-Up
- Link to team on CG

Rule changes:
We have decided to change a couple of rules:
- A team is accepted in the tournament only if it is able to field 3 players from the same nation.
- Minimum amount of sign-ups for a country is 1, the maximum amount of sign-ups is 4.

I hope you are now up to date regarding the cup. For any other questions please join #gMen and PM an admin.

We will now only need to wait for CyberGamer to confirm the bug fixes.
Austria gonna play :)
Thats awesome to hear!
one question if i understood it right:
if austria has for example 2 teams... only one can advance to the groupstage or to the playoffs?
Yes, only one team from each nation can advance to the playoffs.

To determine the best team from each nation the groupstage is held, where you will have to compete against each other.
that's called a fucking qualification, not group stage
Also I'm wondering how you want to hold a qualification with 3 teams against each other
in a groupstage :D
first in group qualifies for playoffs, 2nd and 3rd not :D
If all 3 teams have 1 win and 1 lose? :D
Fuck off already, those things won't concern you or your ET-career, stop whining about everything.
Das war wohl nicht gut genug durchdacht, ich entschuldige mich zutiefst für meinen Beitrag und bitte untertänigst um Vergebung, Euer Hochwohlgeboren!
roundscores (3:1/4:0/2:2/4:2 etc) and if that still leaves you with 2 that are top you can alwayus do a deciding match again
Why are you not organising it? You seem to be aware of everything!!
image: Notausgang_WC
fuck u i was going to post this joke
Nice try to steal my glory
oh u so funniez
image: ZI3rAet
Maximum of 3, if 8 teams sign up?? u use qualifie brackets or just decide wich 3 teams are the best in your eyes or what
We will wait what to do if actually more than 3 teams sign up for a nation.
wow, give me a opponent!
give you what
image: giveyouwhaf695
Some countries are fucking good in 3v3 like NL, why let only 1 team go through the tournament ??
there is a qualification amongst the NL teams and the winner will participate. or have you ever seen two NL teams playing at world cup in football? :-)

or did i get something wrong?
its just that we dutchies are so FUCKING good at 3o3
It's a Nations Cup, not NL vs some other countries.
need real 6o6 NC :(
so im gonna be casting / streaming this tournament
image: 417
i wanna participate but we're only 2 BG players... gonna search for a 3rd xD
Finland KPKP ready
So basically, any 3 players that signup from a specific country are automatically the team that will be playing? Or will there be qualifiers if more than 1 team from a country want to signup?
The groupstage will act as qualifiers, while the cup itself is playoffs-only. If multiple teams from one nation sign up, they will play "groupstage" matches versus each other with only one team advancing to the playoffs.
United Kingdom niSmO.co.uk ready for action
You can already pm your adress to admins so they send you your shiny golden medal
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