Commander Shepard :~>

sup eurofags
ever wondered why you all called eurofags?
well cuz you are european and you are fags!

that being said, i want to talk with you about the best dlc i have ever played: The Citadel.

its mass effect 3 dlc, and i think it's awesome!

i went trough the game again, and i literaly had emotions in parts of the game (which mean how awesome the game is)...

i mean fucking look at this vide (grunt's last stand):

this is wise and script :'(

also the ending, wow!

that song...fucking everything i have fight for the entire trilogy!!!

so without delay, i will end this with commander shepard bio:

and random pics from my latest blog since it didnt got much hits :(

image: find-her-62
image: find-her-232
image: find-her-212
image: tan-lines-11
image: tan-lines-12
image: tan-lines-23
image: tan-lines-26
ME is the most overrated game ever, and basiclly all whats wrong with current games.
Awesome dlc :~>
Good journal :~>
Decent random pics :~>
8/10 :~>
Citadel was incredible, took away the bad taste of the ending.

Mass Effect 4 is in the works by the way, prepare your diddly hole (not going to be about Shepard).
diddly hole, hmmm, reminds me of garrus
krogans are best <3
best dlc ever
do the commander dickbag shepard run
>Bang Sha'ira
>Save Wrex
>Nuke Kaidan
>Romance Ashley and Liara
>Bang Ashley
>Be a general asshole and try to kill/maim everyone

>Tell Ashley to fuck off on Horizon
>Have "dinner" with Kelly
>Renegade sex with Jack
>Romance Miranda and Tali
>Pop Tali's induction port
>Kill everyone on the suicide mission except Mordin, Legion, Miranda, Samara, Tali, and Zaeed
>Get the entire crew killed
>Destroy the base because FUCK YOU ILLUSIVE MAN
>Do Zaeed's loyalty mission after the suicide run and off him there
>Never let Grunt out of his tank
>Be a general asshole and try to kill/maim everyone

>Be a massive asshole to Ashley
>Attempt to get into Traynor's pants
>Try to NTR Joker
>Shoot Mordin in the back, kill Wrex afterwards
>Kill Ashley during the coup
>Betray Tali and her entire race and watch her Sudoku
>Let Samara kill herself and then execute her daughter
>Don't warn Miranda of Kai Leng
>Tell Steve to fuck off and let him die on Earth
>Bang Liara
>Get her and James killed at the end because lol low ems
>Let TIM kill Anderson
>Pick destroy ending
>Kill yourself, the Geth, EDI
>Be a general asshole and try to kill/maim everyone
it's not possible to have that many romances, is it? :D
yes but in the end you must choose one :~>
lol thats faggish

if you shoot the catalyst (the white gay kid) then you ignore the crucible options -> this current cycle is destroyed -> next civ find out liara's hologram and destroy the reapers :~>
i actually did that on my first playthrough
i was kinda bummed out after that
l o l

if you ask me, destroying them was the best thing to do
after all what i did as shepard, there is now way i would let him die lol (destroy option is the only option where he lives).
even that the entire game they showed us how my teamates sucrifice themselfs :D
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