CS:GO rank


What's your rank in competitive? I'm a Distinguished Master Guardian with 100 hours of playtime, I'm in this rank for 40 hours already, can't step higher :D
What about you?

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Legendary eagle np
if i remember right ur gold nova
Supreme master first class
Supreme master eagle master global master guardian
social life elite master guardian
The global elite, easy game
The global elite super master pro. Sorry, i allways better than u. :P
no way i just saw something from you after 3 years :D
what happened to your profile?
Supreme Master First Class, the elo ladder starts to get kind of skewy after Global Elite (too many cheaters and shit), should play the inactive provincial game to find out my current rank though
jätkä on hengissä. ei oo homot tappanu sua vielä
*Tyypit jotka norkoilee suXesin edes ja hakkaa homoja

(with timbolina, so yea)

(with Snafu, so yea)
legendary eagle

but im just playing csgo if some1 from my old team is online or fuchs, but this is quite rare^^ cba to play with 4 randmos :P
im colonel cant see my rank on this shit
must be ranking for lowbies
Silver 2
atm mg2, I keep getting mge and dropping back again and going back to mge :D matchmaking around mge seems to be most random of what ive experienced so far :P like mge's playing with eagles one game and then with nova 2/3 after it
jew star till legend eagle master
and edo is DMG :D
nova 2 bitches
its ez to get high rank if u just install the game :D but holding it is diff :P
i havent played in around 4-5months i was bouncing inbetwen distinguished master guardian(highskill)
and legendary eagle(high+)
wouldnt say that distinguished is highskill :S

when i played with my team we always searched for med+/high but then there ranks were legendary eagle or legendary eagle master

I would say that legendary eagle master is high skill
i read it on a link that get_right posted

tha jew star is high- afaik
he's a dolt, dont listen to him
its tru because in cs/(go) thers a higher skill level then high - invite or something
even legendary eagle master is not high skill...

dmg = low-mid
le = mid
lem = mid
smf = high
global = high

most of the time iam legendary eagle master or smf ranked and there is a huge difference between a game with lem only players and a game with smf only players.
global elite =/= highskill players :D

Compare NiP (or another pro team) player's skill with the global elite ones and you'll laugh so hard :P
Nip players are global elite players and there are still pros with over 100 matchmaking games with smf rank...
dont forget not only top50 players are highskilled
no rank in matchmaking is high skill, even The global elite.
skils in csgo dont do grom low to high, thers stuff higher then hi,kthnxbb
silver 1st :)
was master guardian 2 but didnt play for some weeks now
dmg atm, I guess up to eagle its rather easy just carried by aim skills but getting higher would require a team and some serious nerding
legendary eagle master but now inactive
legendary eagle master (always around legendary eagle and surpreme master first class)
master guardian elite
Legendary eagle bitches :D

oh lol gotta stop playing this game then xD

Legendary eagle aswell
maak nou maar dat je vnvnd mee komt knallen ownertje
Legendary Eagle Master... Cheaters and retards at this rank MUCH FUN
switching all the time between master guardian II and elite
gme for 2 days and back to smfc
silver elite master
can confirm
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