Titanfall beta


is anyone of you guys playing the beta of Titanfall atm?

Whats the point in capturing the 3 hardpoint except capturing it?^^ Having all 3 points under your control for more than 50% of the matchtime or what? If yes how can someone see the current percentage or the missing points or whatever?

And whats the point in the first playmode? Just run around and frag?
I play it & I dont like it
Attrition is basically TDM and in most games it is the best place to start as the main aim is to just learn the ropes and frag the enemy. Hardpoint is basically domination, get points for holding 1 of the 3 positions first to X points wins. Last Titan standing everyone starts in a Titan and once all titans on a team are destroyed > 1 point to other team - first to 4 points wins.

Good fun game, needs some small balancing with some stuff, will probably not be competitive although might see the sort of competitive success similair FPS titles have had in the past (ETQW etc)
Last Titan standing is really fun.
Time for a beer soon ? :D
fun game wont be competitive :/
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