Anyone with win8.1 and a GTX 400-series card?


This is related to my thread in the forums ( I am still having a terrible lag problem as seen below from the lagometer which - I found out in the meantime - means that my client is not interpreting the snapshots from the server correctly and therefore the frames are extrapolated (my system tries to render more frames than necessary).
(Lagometer explained:

Is there perhaps someone out there playing ET on win 8.1 with a GTX 400-series card or whatever nvidia GTX card for that matter? I believe my problem could be solved if only I could get ahold of such a cfg and the correct nvidia panel settings. Someone please help me, I would really love to play some pickup matches but I'm useless with this lag issue:)

image: vr9dsz
I got win 8.1 and gtx 260 and i can play et without any prob
Hey! Cool! Would you be so kind to send me your cfg and nvidia panel 3d settings to my e-mail? I know that's a bit much to ask, but please!:) My e-mail is [email protected] (it's already included in my profile so np mentioning it here x) Many thanks in advance!!
i could just write u a pm here on crossfire or not? :D
one last question mate, do you force ET to use single processor core only? or no need
no i didnt do that
They say, that et will run by itself on one core only.
Anyway, if I ran et on my laptop in the past on one core (0) than I had lag.
While If I let it run on all 4(*2=8, but 4 virtual) it worked like a charm.
= contradiction to what is known of et.
Yeah, I found that allocating the core(s) manually made no difference for me either so it must be something else.
Ah the problem persists with your config/settings as well :\ I think I might be cursed being the only one with this problem :D Nevertheless I love the look of your cfg!
that sucks mate :S
and ty u r the 1st guy who got my cfg xD
try this
Does this happen offline as well? I had GTX 560 Ti some time ago and played without any problems on Win8.1. Got GTX 770 now but I went back to Win7 long time ago.
No, it only happens online. Since the problem was not solved by Specula's config/settings, would you mind sending me your cfg/nvidia settings for ET if you still have them? If your won't help either then I'll know for sure it's either a HW problem (RAM issue perhaps) or it's back to win7 then X)
I would, but I'm at army at the moment, only getting home at weekend :/ anyway, Nvidia settings were default for me. Maybe you could post your cfg, and I could see if there is something that would cause the problem? I kind of remember how all settings are on my cfg.

Edit: which drivers are you using btw? I just remembered that Nvidia had some serious driver issues with 400/500 series cards, and they only managed to fix them last January. Maybe worth a try even though the problems were browser related?

Thanks! I wouldn't want you to bother yourself with my cfg. It's a good read about the those nvidia cards - I actually had the same issue with my gigabyte gtx460 but the current driver works just fine. I'll keep looking.
edit: Try this first!: Disable thread optimization
If that doesn't work, do the rest.

Yes, I had the same problem.
Fucking annoying windows 8.1.
1) Never update your os from a windows store (app).
2) Windows 8.1 has ALOT of bugs, fatal bugs. Even more as 8.0, which absolutely makes no sense (for example google: '8.1 black screen' or '8.1 explorer.exe fail')
3) How to fix that annoying lag?
- Disable thread optimization in nvidia drivers and u will be good.
- cl_packetdup 2 (since maybe your net just sucks...)
- REMOVE your profile's etconfig.cfg. = pathToEtmainOfWolfenstein>etmain>profile>etconfig.cfg>delete it.
You do the same for etpro>profile>etconfig.cfg delete it.

4) Now in the cfg you will be loading after you deleted this and restarted et (and made a new profile in et itself), make sure to delete:
seta s_mixahead
seta s_mixPreStep
from YOUR cfg.

This is known to cause some weird spikes.
5) download gamebooster 3, and run it before you game. All programs that don't need to run for your game, will be shut down..

Thought you were writing a decent answer, but then you suggested game booster....

Anyway, besides that, those are good things to try.
I'll definitely try packetdup 2, and removing cfgs from profile folders + step 4. Thanks!
never install 3rd party programs that say "ill boost your game 4 sure 1111"
its always for the worst

set all nvidia settings to OFF or except the one that says comformant texture clamp
disable "threaded optimization"
enable "prefer maximum performance mode"
run ET as admin.
I'll try max performance mode, the other two are already set to your recommendation. Thanks!
get net
After all the fuss it seems the source of the problem was a BIOS setting. I forgot that when I bought this PC about 4 years ago, I overclocked my processor in the BIOS with the default overclocking options. I set it back to default now and everything's just worked fine for over 3,5 hours (and that's awesome:D)

Thanks for all your help and input and shame on me x))
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