Forward Momentum Needs 1

United States of America Foward Momentum is looking for a skilled 6th for the upcoming CG ET Season 1. We will be playing a match (ladder or cup) pretty much every Sunday, at 22:15 or later.

Canada Tomun
Canada anim
Canada monkey
Canada rossko
Netherlands adeto

Canada CrimZon
United Kingdom ScarZy

You should be a skilled smg engi (preferably) or medic who can play at 22:15 or later.

/q Foreigner @ or pmme on Crossfire.
rip United States of Americadetdet
rip United States of Americadetdet
rip United States of America detdet :(
rip United States of America detdet
rip United States of America detdet
welcome back United States of America detdet
i might be avi
aaaaand hobbit still benched :/
[15:47]hobbit: I don't even have ET installed
I was tempted then i saw monkey's name :(
Get in there young lad
rip United States of Americadetdet
rip Russiadetdet
rip Chinadetdet
who is detdet?
rip Finlanddetdet
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