Wolfenstein: The New order news

"gameplay trailer" and there's almost 5 seconds of gameplay.
looks great
No mutli players, no interest at all ... single mode will be closed in around 3hours.
Sad news for BJ.
No, they said it takes 12h+ to close the SP

** still hoping for a rtcw MP remake exclusive for PC ;)
na cant believe it
pre-order includes Doom Beta access (apparently some Doom 4 reboot). Don't really mind there not being any MP, too sick of whoever they farm it out to fcking it up. Haven't played a well thought out single player in some time so hopefully this will be good but looks like they've taken the cinematic on-rails game play from the CoD series.
do some know system requirements? I think i have to upgrade my old lady
boom boom boom boom, ich schieß dich einfach ab :DDDDDDDDDD
at least they admitted they cant do a MP game anymore
boom boom boom boom
Trailer is looking nice. i think the singleplayer will be great but without a multiplayer-mode it makes no sens :D
*hoping for a wolfenstein multiplayer addon later this year"
would play
Well, kinda looks cool
I just don't understand why any game would be released without a multiplayer option.

In the days of xbox live, and people playing scrabble multiplayer on their phones, releasing a game without MP is frankly an hilarious business decision.

The final nail in the Wolfenstein universe's coffin.
it's so bad i wanna cry
another rape to the franchise
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