
Anyone following this?

Basically, the concept is a hacked rom of Pokemon red/blue so that all the Pokemon are available, where the controls are inputted through the comment box of twitch. This would be fine, except there are usually about 60,000 people watching and commenting, so the result is fucking mayhem.

This is the tip of the iceberg; if you go on the subreddit for it, there are stories, legends, political systems and even a God in the form of the Helix Fossil. They are currently trying to put a pokemon in the daycare so that there is space in the party for a masterball-caught pokemon, notably Zapdos.

This site shows the current aim and there are links to live updates on the subreddit. It's like a completely random story in which random shit happens all the time, and nobody can control it.

GL, HF, and keep your eyes out for a team announcement soon. <3
started watching when they were trying to cut a tree, after 2 days of not getting forward I stopped following :p
They've just beaten Sabrina (Psychic bitch), as well as getting Lapras, a masterball (Silphrollin') and teaching the Lapras Strength and Surf. Think it's getting faster!
Wouldn't be surprised if they're going to just waste the masterball tbh :p
idd, can't wait until they blow it on some fucking zubat
Beat Giovanni, use Dig before picking up Silph Scope :XD there is no way they will ever get past the Victory Road, ammount of precision to even get on it, then to get through it with pushing stones and shit NEVER GONNA HAPPEN
the amount of precision was already pretty high at that rocket thingy under the casino. where u have to go a certain route through those fields. so yeah, i think in like 30 days they might get throught the victory route
didn't they use democracy there?
I think yes, thats when that started.

so if you're point was that they'd never get to victory road in anarchy mode, you are probably right
That is exactly my point
i now understand why there are thousands of nerds watching pokemon stream on twitch
It's so fucking good men, get involved. Also, we need some nerds for FOLLOW BANANA
watching the legend trick2g is way better image: myH1xcQ
i tracked it from the start when it took almost 14h to pass a single path (dat ledge) and almost a day to cut a tree ((RIP jay leno), but i think democracy/anarchy-system kinda ruined it, because now they turn on easy-mode aka democrazy while most people are working/school/sleeping and get a lots of shit done in that time...kinda ruining the fun for me

image: C0R1Fa1
Hey, if the majority felt anarchy was better, they would've voted for it. Additionally, it's easier to maintain anarchy anyway.

QuoteTo get from anarchy mode to democracy mode 80% of the votes must be for democracy mode.

To get from democracy mode to anarchy mode 50% of the votes must be for anarchy mode.

I'm not following this crap at all, but if you want anarchy mode all the time you're better off watching an animated gif of that guy turning circles in a room.
The battles are pretty incredible to watch though - the gym battle against Sabrina (Psychic bitch) in particular was fantastic, everyone on the stream was willing the Pigeot to use quick attack but you get the impression that there is no control; it's like a wild, feral beast stumbling around, pressing whatever it's heart desires.
People have begun to realize lately that Anarchy mode is the only legit way to play this and started downvoting democracy . That Eevee ordeal was just too much lulz. Only the really big stuff like catching zapdos with a masterball is done in democracy mode.

edit: and zapdos was caught miraculously in anarchy mode :p
image: wNFTj07


image: iCnDMbl

edit: happened a few more times, zapdos still not released is a statistical anomaly by now :p
I know man, fucking terrifying
HellHammer is right, there hasn't been enough influence in democracy in the last 12h to win the vote, even though we are in the PC a lot, which is pretty fucking risky (last time we spent too much time there 3 really good Pokemon were released)
a whole new level of get a life fucking nerds
thought the same :D
shit's so cash
dont care bout reddit autism
The twitch delays fucks everything up thought..
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