where can i download ET?

i need a normal link to download the game and which patches i need to install to play?
Right side above "News" download ET

No patches, check resolution in config before opening ET, run ET as admin.
thank you both :)

The cf's one doesnt work properly on my PC, dunno why.
If you want the 'cleanest' install, use this: http://www.splashdamage.com/content/download-wolfenstein-enemy-territory , comes with option to install ET minimizer aswell

The one from CF has shitty tzac and configs with it, same for the one from kashu.fr
Join #follow.et, they have a guide there
+1 best guide ive ever seen
Artstar time to change the pack on CF link
phobeus is back ?
phobeus fobje is back ! :)
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