#gMen 3on3 WC: Reminder

image: 2q38128

Hello there, friends.

I'm posting this journal to remind you that you have to get in touch with the opponent's captain YOURSELF. Please ignore the time & date that are set on GTV, they are not to be respected specifically. We just want you to play the games before the 2nd of March.

If you have any questions, please contact me or timbolina ASAP

This is a copy-paste of the previous journal:

image: 2q38128

Let the games begin!

Every game of the qualifiers have been requested on GamesTV. There is a total of 25!! games to be played as soon as possible.

Here's what should happen next:
If the time and date doesn't suit to you, feel free to contact the opponent's team captain and arrange a date & time as soon as possible, and let Netherlands timbolina or Belgium me know so we can appropriately edit the match on GamesTV!

All of the matches should be played as soon as possible before Sunday the 2nd of March!

Additional rule

In case anyone wonders, when we get to the play-offs, matches where a country might be disadvantaged by high ping should be played either on a UK server if the pings are allright; OR one map on one location specific server and the other map on the other one.
f.e. USA vs BE : either play on a UK server, or one map on US server & the other map on DE/NL/FR/whatever server.

We'll be taking United States of America ohurcool's suggestion and do it this way:
United States of America/Canada/Columbia - UK server
Chile - 1 map on a UK server & 1 map on a US server
Australia - US server
These are of course guidelines and they can be ignored if both teams agree to something else.

If you have anything to add on the above rule, please share it with us. We do appreciate constructive feedback!

Thanks everyone for participating!
Let's keep this game alive for a few more years, together!

timbolina & Kenzi
I have to comment because its been 6 hours without anything.
I don't need comments, I need matches!!!
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