International Job


Lately I've been looking for an international job to gather some experience and to see a bit of the world. I've noticed that some people here have experience with that ( e.g. Rhand-debiel). I'm just wondering if anyone here has some tips as to how you approach the idea of finding an international job. I don't mean basic tips, but more like specific websites and so on. The sector I'm looking to enter can be anything from event management, administrative and what not, to marketing and e-solutions.

Thanks in advance.

Fuck you Domi.

image: Wju4miv
try big worldwide corporations
yeah. although you said you didnt want basic tips, I'd guess the best way is to get a job in a big international corporation in your current country, and get placed at another country (oil sector for instance, could be placed in middle east, US, norway, a lot of other countries in europe (and the world))
I remember Rhand his biking experience :D
Da was ne faal, ja. In de zomer van 2013 wel bijna 2.000 km doorheen Noord-Frankrijk en Belgie gefietst op 2 weken.
Any experience as a barkeeper/service?
I only recently graduated so no, the idea here is to find a job at the bottom of the proverbial ladder and see what happens from there.
You could try to take a course. The hard rock cafe is all over the world. The only tthing is that they are quite selective on the people they take.
computer science, bringing dem international moneys while u work from ur bed
belive me after a while you just want to work outside .
the poweaaar of wifi
check national companys with branches in other countries. You could try doing an internship there first to get an idea and if its good and they like you there might even be an offer for a full time position afterwards.
What others have said, try and get a internship with a local multi-national firm and work towards an overseas transfer. Less risk in terms of not being screwed by some unknown overseas company with a questionable website.

e.g. Accenture (I know a few people that work for them and they are pro-career development/create opportunities to move quickly).
I could use a maid.
when i was 21-22 i worked outside israel after my release from the army . and after that i travled
i can suggest you consider very much moving to australia you can have 1 year visa to work there and life is so much calm there evrything is easy .
Same goes for Canada
best chance is to get building new roads, well at least I presume since 6 out of the 14 applications I've had for a job we're advertising they have working on road in Germany down.
You do need basic tips. Before I moved to London I applied for about 50 jobs with 0 response. There is such a demand for work, they are not going to hire a person who is not even in the country. You need to save enough to sustain yourself without a job for a few months and just go for it.
callgirl keviny
This guy doesnt want basic tips but still wanted basic tips

but more like specific websites and so on.

Websites = not basic for you? :S maybe you should ditch the "e-solutions" at least!
You've been poisonous to me ever since you sucked ass in that mixteam we once played in, quite childish. I asked for websites ( as an example, though you wouldn't understand that since you obviously didn't understand what I wrote in the journal in the first place ) because you never know I missed a few important ones that could be helpful.

And I doubt you know what e-solutions even mean.
Googling helps a lot

Actually you have been quite an ass after that mixteam we once played in, could be that you are that kind of a guy you don't greet your old clan mates (didn't think you would actually turn out to be like that) and I don't really care about it, just made you look like a stupid in my eyes tbh. But you just missed one thing - I have never ass licked anyone and I most certainly won't do that ever :P Not my style!

I've studied IT in uni so maybe I know what e-solutions mean!

edit: acting like you have never had anything to do with that person* telling bullshit on crossfire (that's what i call childish)

edit2: Oh and btw: if you find it helpful you helpless/childish/idiot! :)
So you're bitter because I don't say hello in-game or on mirc? Holy fucking shit, hilarious. Besides, I don't remember you ever greeting me, communication is a two-way street whiney.
Ohhohohoh - just wondering where all your ego comes from. I've never seriously flamed you, if you check the comment and read it again.. Your big ego just gets on your way of not finding the serious sarcasm out of it. Why my reply was like that was mostly because of the bullshit you wrote in your earlier reply.

Np for the link btw, got it by googling around for about 30 sec. And if you don't really care what kind if work you would be doing - meaning just having a life in an other country one way to do it is just travel to your destination and ask for work around - that's what my cousin did when he went to Australia. Guess that option aint for everyone. Bye, PS, I did stop greeting after few wars against you.
Whatever makes you sleep at night liar.
Love you too!
I was working in a 5 stars hotel in china as a sales manager for almost year... dno if ud like that
/q abs1 he knows about that shit.
fucking Bird Jesus man
At first pick a country, you want to visit. Then try looking at the website of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce OR give them a call and ask for information/list of companies. Neyt step would be picking some of them companies, that interest you. Look on their websites for contact information and write them an application email. Tell them about your goals and try to convince them giving you a try. Don't only write 1-2 sentences why you want to join them. You REALLY have to convince them. Show that you know what the company is all about. Tell them that you could do this and this work etc. etc.

Good luck!
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