searchin for team.

Ever since the anticheat is working and there is new league i decided to spend some free time playin et again. Like in topic i am searching for a team to participate with. I dont not care about nationality and format (3vs3, 6on6) as long as you are able to speak in english. About me : decent med skill, pref to play medic, used to play this game for few years with breaks without any spectacular success in any ladder and team, mostly was enjoying random mix war at irc.

Pls write msg down below or just type me in priv.


4nTi also new as MAKAPAKA !!

you should mention that you got busted... its a great success
Banned, not busted sir.
you need to be busted before you can get banned?
There is huge dif sir.
you are tzac busted, simple as
"Ever since the anticheat is working"

lolled :D
why you have a profile pic where u kiss ur sister not nice man :-(
Coz she is to hot and coudnt stop myselff, glad you recognized her.
Quotemed skill

na haxie
QuoteI dont not

image: wtfih
why couldn't you let a chance to this guy instead of trash talking him? Im not even his friend but trash talking every single busted ppl /banned ppl trying to play this game won't save your ET :/.
P.S: kalli you are busted too
gl 4nt!
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