ET on mac?


I really want to start playing again, but I am currently using mac.. Which causes a big problem.
So I was wondering if anyone have any experience about combining mac, ET & the new anticheat. I´d really like to know how it works (does it lag, does it run without problems etc..)

Buying a new windows computer is not an option!

have a nice day :)
Reenz! :)
the mac version should work don't know about the anti cheat ^^
If you would like to play through a Mac, you will need to dual boot Windows on a separate partition on your hard drive. You can do this quickly and easily using Boot Camp -
thanks for the effort olpz, i´ll try both of the alternatives you gave me! I will notify :)
gtfo with mac
mac is the future !D
I am using Mac Air as working computer, and would love to make ET working on it.
I tried Bootcamp of course, but have problem with Direct 3D, basically cannot start the game.

With MAC client, the ET Pro is not working if I am not mistaken.

Let me know if you figure something out :)
use boot camp
hi man:)
tried it, only old versions work for me..
So the conclusion is: get a windows computer?
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