Sign up for CG EU ET Season 1!

image: 81XpmVt

Tomorrow is the last day to sign up for CyberGamer EU ET Season 1! Our first cup season will include leagues and tournaments for both 3on3 and 6on6. Twenty-two teams have signed up for the 6on6 league so far with thirty-nine signups for the 3on3 league.

To sign up, simply visit the league page and click Create Team at the top of the page. Alternatively, you can open the GAMES dropdown menu, select Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, and click Create Team there. Make sure you choose "ET League" for the 6on6 league or "ET (3on3) League" for the 3on3 league.

Once you have successfully done so, your team will automatically be added to the waiting pool along with all of the other teams who have signed up so far. If for some reason this does not happen, please let us know so that we can manually add your team.

If you've already signed up, please make sure that all of your players have been added to your team.

NOTE: If your team is not in the waiting pool, then you have not signed up!

Need a team? Need player(s)?
Something big is about to happen.

e : and i'm not talking about my lolipop
no aniky as admin and there are just 25 signups.. #bringbackaniky
anyone reported issues with adding players to their roster? I can search for players but can't seem to click/add :S
Nope! Which team?

Maybe it has something to do with you being attached to the AU site? :P
mikeh's low gamers

image: cantaddplayer

^ name pops up but clicking does nada
Ah, right... mikeh pm'd me a few weeks ago about that. It doesn't work for me either (with your team), yet no one else seems to be having any issues. I'll talk to the site admins, and in the meanwhile I guess you'll just have to tell your players to use Apply to Join.
weird! thanks, can we add players after the sign-up cut-off? or will there be a roster lock?
No worries! We won't be locking rosters, so you can add/remove players at any time.
Fixed! Apparently the apostrophe in the team name was the issue. :P
hah! mikeh team names too high skilled for CG ;)
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