gMen Phoenix Giveaway

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Great news for all the active CS:GO players. gentleMen eSports is hosting another giveway where you have the chance to win one of the three Operation Phoenix passes.

image: 2re08wl

Activating the pass gives you an Operation Phoenix coin, upgradable through playtime and wins, and viewable wherever your avatar is shown. This pass allows you to play 8 new Operation Phoenix maps.

How can I win a pass?
Register on this website and leave a comment in this forum topic. On Sunday 16 March we will use a generator that will randomly pick 3 names out of the players who signed up for this giveaway. Leave your Steam accountname in the reply so we will know who to contact.

NOTE: You can only win one of the 3 Passes!

If you won an Operation Phoenix pass I will add you on steam.
"generator" :D I want to believe
Can you ever stop whining and bitching
You used to be a nice guy :(
:D well I can't remember a single generator for this purpose that can be used for webspell
List all participants in Word ->

Pick 1 for each AWP = gg?
couple I have used which are good

second one cannot have dupe names though so can be a problem if people can get more than one 'entry' ;)
Who says its webspell integrated? He can just add all the entries manually into a generator? Try thinking more than 2 seconds before talking :P
there are many ways to do it...
Oh man use that tiny piece of brain more often please
You are a cheating cunt. Fuck off already, we don't want to see you dribbling on your keyboard.
Guud work bois, keep it goin. (gMen best)
Why are ppl so hyped over this CS:GO? I mean.. There been seriously lots of CS games before - it's not like this cs:go is somehow better than the rest of them xD why didnt ppl start playing CS right away and ignored ET totally - Why to move to a worse internet FPS game when the game you actually like is dying - I'd rather quit eSports than search something to replace ET. And I wonder why cs:go when extraction works a lot better for ET players. Well guess everyone makes their choices.. bye
Because we're ten years later and things change
CS:GO can sustain itself long term, all the other FPS titles on the market cannot which will hinder any eSports potential (Titanfall, Extraction, etc, etc,).
Idd. Stop playing then. Or is the fact that nowadays ppl don't even tend to care what they are playing
why stop playing when there is an FPS title out there that has an interest in the eSports scene for its game? Not many games ever have in FPS, ET very much included.
There is no real FPS title for ET gamers, maybe for some who didn't like ET from the very much beginning x) just a free game.. anyway still can't see what the new FPS titles have offer for ET players, if you don't include active scene, that aint enough for me at least, the game itself has to have it. You didn't even answer to me with that tbh. :D It is as I said, players don't tend to care what game they are playing, as long as the graphics are nice and the game aint dead. ETQW/Wolfenstein were much more capable than any CS will ever be, it only wasnt new ET. Maybe most of the ET players didn't even want new ET, thus CS can replace ET for so many ppl so easy 8)
You've put ET on a pedestal like it is the pinnacle of team base FPS - I'm afraid it wasn't.
Well even though CS has 5v5 format it doesnt seriously mean its gameplay is based on teamplay - the only thing where the teamplay comes is to have some crossfire which is most simple in cs and comes out more than naturally cause it's not so fast spaced. Guess battlefield is based on more teamplay most than any other new genre fps. And of course extraction is and it actually could be great game if they weren't so stubborn and they would go for promod! :)
finally you got a good looking logo for gmen :)
Punky made it for us :P
1,99 € i won ^^
Your account is not activated.

Done it for u
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