low fps probb

I was using windows 8 previously and I was getting perfect 125 fps, no drops except in goldrush at like one stage. Reinstalled windows 8 and now im constantly getting fps drops. Help plsss
any ideas
try r_primitives 2 heared about that :)

You use AMD Graphics ? Should help then.
which cpu?
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) 9650 Quad-Core PRocessor 2.30 GHz
Installed memory(RAM): 8.00 GB (7.74 GB usable)
System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
I'm surprised you have ever managed to get 125 fps stable with that
I would be more surprised if he didn't get 333FPS with proper GPU.
I had already had 125FPS back in 2004 with AMD Athlon XP 2200+ overclocked.
yeah, because the older amd architectures were more decent when it comes to single cpu games, everything coming from amd after 2007/2008 was a fuck up for ET, especially quad cores
I don't have a problem to get 333FPS with my AMD CPU. Never had any problems whatsoever, the single core performance hasn't been top notch from AMD. But sureley better than a AMD Athlon XP 2200+
Cpu is shit (got the same) but probably not the cause of this if you say you have issues after reinstalling, UNLESS your cpu is overheating after reinstalling (happened to a friend's laptop, it's pretty weird but can happen), which is by far the biggest cause of getting choppy fps in games. Check your fps in other games to see if it's only ET and your config that's the problem.

If your temperatures are fine, then either your gpu drivers are fucking up or use power saving/minimal usage options, or you are using power saving options in windows.

If you still haven't solved it, try running ET in different compatibility modes.
shit cpu,shit os
Low skills - low fps. Maybe: /r_texturemode gl_nearest
i think u were using windows 8 previously and u were getting perfect 125 fps, no drops except in goldrush at like one stage. Reinstalled windows 8 and now youre constantly getting fps drops.
Quotetoday, 04:26

nice life alex
kwam van club toch snapje xD XDXDXD
bcak fmro clbu
yezz ey mn account is ouder dan de jouwe man u jelly?
no im not. ure very cool guy, much club, many life
personal note to self
turn off r_shownormals it lowers FPS

- Foreigner from the ET-NA-History.txt
Step 1. Get ran over by a truck.
Step 2. Sue the driver and the company
Step 3. Buy a better pc.
Step 4. Play ET for 420 hours straight.
Step 5. Before u fall to ground dead, post the computer to Fatcat.
Step 6. Die

Simple as fuck.
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