Need ventrilo Channel

Hi all Nerds does someone still use ventrilo ?
I Need a Channel in it because teamspeak 3 makes my mouse hz unstabile from 1000 -200 hz ...

Edit: if i get One then tites ( wnb Team Swe) wife might give you a webcam Strip if he agrees with this :_D
Cheers eujen
mumble is the anwser
teamspeak is the answer
what sCope said
Can I have a free mouse pls.
sure; adress & deetails pls
how on earth can that be the cause of your problem :/
2low cpu power + game = wtf is wrong with my mouse (extreme fps drops)
happend to me around 2years ago on my P4 had to OC
:D never heard smt like that
but i trust u
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