Hearthstone players.

Add me: ehamo#2164


Hello Caej, I greet you old friend.
caej is a virgin faggot tbh...

Just started playing, no op legendaries yet.
Legendaries are quite overrated, only one I would really call op at the moment is that Tirion Fordring.

image: 391
Yeah they are overrated, but still pretty annoying playing against a bunch of them, some are pretty hard to counter especially if played in succession.

edit: that Tirion Fordring, so many times I sheep then Oozed combo, only way to counter as mage :p.
Meh, put two big game hunters in your deck combined with the Ironbeak Owls. Put a lot of 1/2 mana cost cards in your deck so you can play your early game without having to use your class specific disable/kill cards. Keep the 5 or higher mana cost cards to a minimum ( 5 or 6 of them ).

Good combo's to dominate midgame so your opponents legendaries already have less impact are ancient watcher+ sunfury protector/defender of argus. ( Owls can also silence your own Ancients so they can attack.)

And the first legendary you should try to craft is Tinkmaster Overspark, and then just keep him in your hand for when your opponent plays a single high cost legendary late game.

Edit; just read your own edit: When you sheep him he doesn't have his deathrattle anyway no? So that solves it quite quick.

Try this for a mage deck, I got up to rank 5 with it last season ( though I had massive luck in my last games, should have been rank 7 ):

2x Mana Wyrm
2x Arcane Missiles
2x Ice Lance
2x Mirror Image
2x Ancient Watcher
2x Sunfury Protector
2x Frostbolt
2x Acolyte of Pain
1x Arcane Intellect
1x Frost nova
1x Ice Block
2x Fireball
2x Cone of Cold
2x Blizzard
1x Alexstrasza
1x Pyroblast
1x Tinkmaster Overspark
2x Molten Giant ( Try to play this one with a Defender of Argus/Sunfury Protector combo, keep one of these at hand even if you're losing early or mid game )

Starting hand: Remove all 3+ non-minions unless you already have a Mana wyrm, then you can keep the low mana cost spells.

Alexstrasza: If you don't have her and can't craft her, remove an ancient watcher and put in any two heavy taunts ( 5 or higher mana cost )
I'm playing mostly cheap aggro decks at the moment on the rare occassions I play ranked (I generally avoid ranked, 90% of my time goes to arenas to build cards).

When I play pala as arena I generally try to get Equality + Wild Pyromancer, that combo is op as shit :)

edit: I meant either sheep or Ooze vs Tirion.
Nat Pagle <3 Btw did you suceed with your priest deck ? I made one inspired by ERA's one, pretty good winrate I have :D

Btw Shamans are ridiculously OP or is it me ? Those overload cards are just funny... If you play a overload deck, they cost nothing and u don't care about the overload since overload cards cost nothing :D see my point ?
Go jouer fagg0t
Let's play then! i started the game a couple of days ago

E: I'm really bad.
n1qqer #2206

is a pretty ok spreadsheet of card value per class, if you are a beginner and dont know what to create/use in a deck.
lol wow come on it sazs in the box game is for ages "4-12"
have fun
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