alex beat this guy

Yeah moar steroids in 1 room won't ift
Thank you, now i can finally give my speech about people claiming other huge monsters are natty.
These guys are most certainly not. I dont care, they work hard to get as big as they are and i appreciate that. But there is not a single damn braincell in me that truly believes that no-one can get big but all those guys are monsters with normal supplements. Most of them even admit it. These guys are both far from natty. Im not even jealous.
i like this attitude against steroids! fuckin retards all over the gym on roids thinking they r the MEN been lifting for a month and allready as big as me, and ive been hitting the gym 5 days a week for 3 years now! fuck you roids :D
You get me wrong, I dont hate roids, i just hate the mentallity where everybody claims to be on top of Mt. Olympus and got there all natty. It is not true. And i hate it even more when people fanboy them and claim their stars are natty aswell...
Its like the Tour the France. Everybody uses, only a couple get busted.
those prison marks is actually natty moles
i didnt see u in this vid :(
King Natty represent
Goodluck getting kids
lol steroids, got any genetics l0L
na mate just dem genetics, hard work and tuna diet.
haha whats the point of this, they can barely move :D
Sorry to burst your bubble there cowboy, but weightlifters, bodybuilders & powerlifters are a lot more flexible than the average person in general. This is such a stupid misconception. "Haha he has lots of muscle he can't touch his back or move at all lol".

And yeah, jealousy is strong with this one. Just because you don't share the passion for same things, or same lifestyle as others, it shouldn't make you question the point of it.
Not 100% true, after I did some lifting for 4 months my eyes and lats grew a substantial amount, it was a lot harder to move and touch my back, my muscle would not physically allow me to reach where I could previously. I'm hitting the gym soon, life troubles got in the way, going to aim for another 3 stone of muscle ;).
Arms* rather?!
yup thats you.
Some people might not feel any difference, some people might become more flexible? and some people might become less flexible.

who knows?

and btw some people try to become more flexible, some dont :)
stretching... ever heard of?
take a look at guys like Rich Piana, it's all about stretching
And the point of this journal is .. ?

If you want to see power search for Carl Yngvar Christensen
if any journals in cf want to reach a point.
That is so fucking gay.
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