Pb issue

hey lads i was going to play abit on hirntot/los but im not able to join the server, pb keeps kicking me and i got no clue how 2 fix it

this is the message i get
image: help

what i tried:
reinstalled et
restarted et
changed et key
set hunkmegs to 128
updated pb

pls help :S
3rd line of the error.

"not allowed on the server" means you was kicked.
r u sure?
I got immediately kicked from both server after 1sec, also hirnlos was empty at this time
then you're probably banned.
deleteing etkey?

still using icq wtf?
i didnt use icq the last 4-5years but one day i had my icq number in my head (like 1 week ago), so i decided to check who is still using it :D
was kinda weird that i reminded my icq nr which i didnt use for ages
2k14 and still can't deal with PB. wtf specula just wtf
i just played with pb for max 8months and that like 4years ago so pls bitch :S those comments doesnt help me
pb_sleep 500
pb_security 0
delete cheat
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