need song for rookie singing

Good afternoon crossfire!

I'm currently in strong need of a special song for my american football team's rookie singing!

Basically I joined another team a few months ago and either when you're new to football or play your first season with the team you're forced to sing something at the training camp...

The consequences for not picking a creative/emotional song or not being able to sing it properly are usually being beaten up and being forced to run without breaks during the next day's endurance practice :P However, if someone sings too decent nobody has got something to laugh about and that means you get beaten up as well :D

So, if you have got any ideas, go ahead and share them!

Thanks in advance

Shit, I had no idea that american football could get any more ridiculous.
The more ridiculous thing is that Kalli plays it.
Well I don't know Kalli so I'm in no position to judge about this
You still hanging around crossfire? o_0
Yes. Mostly lurking or just making meaningful sexual oriented comments.
So no matter what you do, you get beaten? Just be a man and accept your beating without singing some faggot songs.
why dont you sing smth on your own like here?
In rugby you have to take a tour around the pitch naked when you have your first league game or when you have your first try
I Gnome speaking on behalf of Crossfire would like to offer you a settlement deal. You agree to fuck off we'll provide you with a song.
pussy rugby just turned gayer
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