Gaming PC Build

Is this a good build for around $1000 - $1100 ?
just save another ~300-400 and buy a solid build
How about if I throw in a i7 4770k and a 120gb ssd thats like $200 more but upgrading the gpu to 780 will be like $300 extra additional to the 2 things i listed..
if this is for gaming, there is absolutely no reason for the i7. The i5-4670k is unlocked, and like i said before you can overclock that in one click with a decent motherboard.

get the ssd (not even a discussion)
get 16gb ram, have some futureproofing in there if you're buying high end specs


Thought: I prefer asus motherboards over msi, but that's up to you. All I know is Asus z87 was built to be overclocked easily. But I would definitely save up for those two upgrades above the line.
I don't think I need 16 gb ram yet, but the that motherboard allows up to 32gb ram so if needed I can upgrade.. and yeah I will get an SSD for sure now..
Throw in another $100 and get an SSD. One of if not the best upgrade to make at this time.
rest is ok
Change power supply. CX series is made of garbage components.
Ditch the PSU. It's utterly worthless and most likely will break within a week or two anyway.
Replaced PSU and added SSD:
Could always save a bit on the case and GPU by getting a 670 instead, if you absolutely can not get above your 1100 budget.

Also. 1197.13 CAD ~ 1070USD if that matters at all. :p
I'll go up to $1200~ if necessary, but I want a modular PSU, and is it worth getting the 4770k over a 4670k ? also I'll throw in a 120gb ssd

Also isn't 450 watts too low ? I mean.. I'm gonna overclock, and maybe get an SLI configuration this year as well..
The SeaSonic is semi-modular, just like the Corsair you selected was. You wont find full modular, decent, PSU in that price range, if you do however, try to stay away as far as possible from Corsair.

No, don't bother, unless you do ton of work that could benefit from hyper-threading, not worth the extra 100. Stick to the 4670k.

To clarify, I added these two to your build.:

450w will power this system perfectly fine, but yes, in the event that you'll go SLI. It'll definitely be too low, but so would have been the 600W Corsair PSU you grabbed. :P
In any case, you can't ever go wrong with a SeaSonic PSU, they've got millions of options for you to dive into, grab one you like. If you're absolutely certain of going SLI (I Wouldn't recommed it with 770s, not at this point in time either, not with 8xx to hop around, you might even save the money and get a 790 instead, or a titan.) Any 700-750W should do fine, OC'ing doesn't really draw more power, at least none of which you'd be missing/needing.
Got 4670k and Gigabyte 770 in my build and my Seasonic 520w runs it just fine.
Never said it wouldn't. 400-450w is perfectly fine for his build. Though SLI is a different matter entirely.
Yes I know, just said that. And yes 400-450w is fine for his build.
Why is corsair such a horrible brand, every place I go to they mostly use Cooler Master or Corsair o_O
But the SSD you threw in seems to be a pretty good idea, the PSU I'm gonna look more around because I don't wanna cheap out on the PSU as thats what keeps all the components running :D
Trust in SeaSonic.

Corsair is shit because they use cheaply manufactured parts for their low-mid series.
image: psu-c-d
(see here for more:,2913-5.html )
The very reason for them to be able to sell it for so cheap. SeaSonic is their own manufacturer and considered the highest quality product, for many years already, as you can see tons of these brands and high-end PSUs use exactly those for their parts as well, so why not skip the middle-guy and buy directly from the person producing them? :P Quality, affordable and by far the best products on the market.
450W is PERFECTLY fine for you, your system, under full load wont ever use more than ~380-400W +/- 10-20W, and that's assuming absolutely everything is maxed out into oblivion, which during gaming, or for regular uses, will not ever happen, not on a system like this, not even playing crysis on ultra settings. The only time you'd ever even come close to those values is when stress testing your already OC'd setup using Prime95 and whatnot. Hell, you could probably get away running your system on 350W even, though that'd cut it very close. Anything inbetween 400 and 500W is perfectly reasonable for you. More doesn't mean its better, in most cases, it's the exact opposite. I'd trust a quality 400W PSU over random 800W PSUs anyday.
Alright, thanks man!
i5 is good enough if you're not doing heavy video editing or shit that needs a lot of cores
Mobo has weak VRM, wouldn't take it if you plan on overclocking.
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