W:ET Playing random 3v3's giving me cancer.

hi i would like to whine a bit, couse i really dont understand people with cheats and i would really like to understand them.
Really what compelles you retards to play with wallhacks and even aimbots in this old Golden game.

+when i try to watch replays in ET the game freezes and i get error message that goes something like this -> z_mallock what can i do to fix that proplem. (is there any programs i can use to watch demos?)

hi im fine
i guess you were playing in one of the games i just played tonight? but nice that your fine.
If you truly feel like you're playing versus cheaters in IRC wars, then simply insist on using your own server.

/record -> /rcon status -> /screenshot or /condump -> /q ohurcool

thx mate :) but yeh one of the guys in the last war actually pm'ed my mate on IRC saying that the merc they had was wallhacking haha :D
but yeh i had to many demos in the demo folder i guess, about 10 gb so i took out like 9 gb and it works ingame now.. is it any better to use these Programs?
They are tools which allow you do things like watch a demo from another player's point-of-view along with a variety of other features not available in-game.
was that merc called lecem by any chance?
no not ingame. And i rly dont know who that dude was.
ah ok, well i played vs that lecem lately and we were pretty sure he was cheating
a day later i found out that it is riskk/freaqy, got no proof for that tho :s
just makes me so sad that guys r still cheating in this game :( this game is to good to have cheaters ruining the game!
Well. Me and my mates always owning them, so its really fun to look how they get mad with time :DDD

(Their wallhacks are usefull only on supply, so they might seem a little bit stronger there. Just play other map, like adler. Izi game izi life)
a new nick again?!
What. I got this nickname on crossfire all the time u silly
so what happened to cordi, szpyru, k1ck, hArry etc?

harry is inactive for like 2 or 3 years. And again u have wrong information, but u are retarded so whatever
being called retarded by you really really bothers me :D
well u should be bothered, mr.busted_by_himself_on_xfire_tho_trashtalking_about_cheaters
the main issue are not the cheaters themselves but the fact that seemingly a shitload of people do not mind playing against/with them anymore
Last week me and eron played vs aimbotters :) The first minutes they played normal.. But after we pownt them they played with aimbot :) 150hs (2 of the 3) in 15min or smth :D was funny.. Idk the names, but it were friends of Nike(pl)
last week i played vs u and eron :) the first minutes u used to cheat enough to win a map, but after we started playing srs and pwnt u (had 150 hs, my mate also) in 15 mins or smth :D was funny.. idk which fakenames have we got but we are not friends of Nike(pl)
I could be wrong. But haven't you been busted a few month ago just after tzac died?
eehm.. am i banned now? :) srsly stop talking about that :)
Well wannabe med+ players are getting rolled by some low+ players.

Overrating themselves as fuck.

ET is also pretty active, if you consider playing 2 out of 3 times against atleast 1 cheater or playing with bypassed Anti-Cheat.

ET has also change in game, since you will be able to walk 15seconds without meeting anyone just to get backraped by two opponents.

but welcome back
:DDD WELCOME BACK TO WHAT :D And i never get owned by low+ unless we pray together and ET God tells us to loose! :S
Oh, forgot it was tites that left us for 1 week, the bastard.
and you never get rolled by low+?
gg cu
haha :D you are right i forgot about that match ;D
just some emo kids playing with hax imo
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