PC build: Uncertain about a few things

Good afternoon crossfire!

I'm about to order new hardware parts for my PC, but I'm not completely up-to-date when it comes to the current hardware releases.

Power supply: BeQuiet! Dark Power Pro 850W
Motherboard: Asus Sabertooth FX990
Processor: AMD FX-8120 :s
CPU-Cooler: Noctua Nh-C14
Memory: Corsair Vengeance 16GB 1600mhz
Graphicscard: AMD Sapphire HD7850 OC
Soundcard: X-Fi Titanium
Tower: CoolerMaster HAF Advanced

Components I would like to replace:

Motherboard by an ASUS Z87 Maximus VI Hero
Processor by an Intel i7 4770k
Soundcard by an Creative Sound Blaster Z retail

And not 100 per cent sure yet:

Graphicscard by an GeForce GTX 780 ti
Memory by low profile RAM kits

Now my questions are:

1.) Is it really worth waiting for the GeForce GTX 790 or getting the GeForce Titan Black which I want mainly for physx and g-sync or should I rather go for the cheaper rival AMD r9-290x or whatever the other upcomming models are? Is g-sync really worth as much as people seem to make one think? I'm currently on a BenQ XL2420T monitor which I want to stick with for a while, so I would try to build a g-sync chip into it once I got a geforce graphics card and the chip is available on the market.

2.) I'm currently using just one instead of 2 fans upon the CPU cooler due to the corsair vengeance being too high profiled. Does it make sense going for even stronger RAM kits which are low profile or should I stick to them? If yes, have you guys got any suggestions?

3.) What are your opinions about soundcards? Since I have a quite decent headset (Sennheiser PC360) I currently profit by having the X-Fi titanium. The drivers are bothering me though and the flexi-jack microphone slot is occasionally not working properly anymore. Are the chipsets nowadays good enough to keep up with an X-Fi titanium? If not, is it cheaper to get a motherboard with a proper sound chipset or to get motherboard and soundcard seperately?

4.) What is your general opinion about the hardware on the list?

I'm grateful for serious opinions from people who have more clue about this shit than I do!

I am certain you should not install IRC on it.
1. Getting a 790 would not be worth the money you would put on it, you should go for a 780 or r9.290
2. Since ddr3 ram, the better is the freqency and the Go's you get, not the timings anymore. Go for some 2000Mhz/+ modules and 8Go's minimum.
3. New audio chipsets are pretty good but i personnaly still love my XFi card and feel better to me.
4. Your hardware is fine. Looks like you got money so dont forget to invest in good case/cooling solutions.
Not that I don't appreciate your advise but you don't even seem to know that this CPU can handle up to "only" 1600 MHz ram kits :P
lol who told you that? this is absolutely wrong xD
Intel just doesnt test all ram frequencies but you can run 2400+Mhz with that processor. The only limit is basically the motherboard but your fine with the one you selected.
well, I know the motherboard can handle more, but are you sure that the CPU itself can use the additional clock?
this is utter bullshit.
Since your budget obviously isn't an issue for you, wait for DDR4 and Broadwell, and get a GTX 8xx series or whichever will be the superior cards on the market by then. Wouldn't invest near to 1600eur into a build right now. G-Sync really won't make a difference, not in any of the games you play.
i hope he will not throw money, even if hes uber rich
Opting for a GTX 780/Titan and G-Sync sounds to me like throwing away money. :P
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