oh juicy :D

image: sojuicy

Found it pretty funny how players kept defending and playing with him in both, ET and CSGO :D

Shoutout to Sir5all and his shitheadcrew!
"I will keep the logs because the quality of the avi is not good"
Remember when he posted journal saying he was proud of his very high rank he achieved?

Fucking shitstain
he was pretty obv :D I think his buttbuddies knew also but they kept defending their juicy friend :-)
Not unexpected from him. Was obvious enough in ET.
atleast he's not this guy!
image: neGyJuP
you see, told you about juicy
Well, I never noticed something obvious about him, but maybe that's because i'm just better than him.
I wonder what if Juicy played ET in the last week or so, hmmmmm
now Adeto just needs VAC ban
Have you seen him play, shooting at walls and through doors. Guy hacks 100%, report to valve thx
exactly, report him
OH CMON not this shit again
Damn! We didnt win a single match with him :(
awww noobs D:
do you really care about this? How old are you man.
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