esl revival cup

What the fuck happened to it?
nothing I suppose?! maybe they noticed everyone signing up for the CG stuff.
I have sent them like 10 messages over the past few months, never got any response.

Put your faith in ohurcool
They checked interest in that cup, everyone signed up for CG instead of talking about ESL cup. If i was ESL i would say 'well fuck you too' aswell :)

Also community is way to small anyway, no need to split it up again with ESL/CG...
.... wat?

Are you genuinely suggesting, that because people signed up for a EXISTING cup, instead of skipping it and WAITING for a MAYBE, that has never even been confirmed, we're deliberately boycotting ESL, the one express interest and a voting was held for in this very board?

I don't know about you, but I'm fairly certain, ESL could, for once, become ET's portal for the few that are left playing. CG Isn't very too satisfying to people, from what i've seen and been told.
let's face it - ESL was never a trustworthy league (if we are talking about ET) :)

It would be a big mistake to blame the small success we've had at CG for this "revival cup" not happening. I waited weeks to announce CG EU ET Season 1 so that ESL could have a chance to get their cup going first. It does not take that long to prepare for a one-day cup.
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