OT: Math

1,2,9,76,1057, X

have some1 any clue what X could be?

e: lefrancis where r u? :(
how did u figure it out?
He figured it out after reading Testi's comment
ye i asked testi how he figured it out on facebook, so i could see if he just copied testi or not ;P
dafaq ?
is that even a valid sequence?
ye i got the same prob, cant find a direct algorithm -.-
a large number
safe to say its over 9000
that indeed it is but
im talking about this song
1337 is the answer
around 27480
Christ, here we go (dirty practical way to guesstimate retarded sequences, it is not correct but beats banging your head against the wall looking for regressions that fit):

1 2 9 76 1057 (+3549=4606)
1 7 67 981 (+2568=3549)
6 60 914 (+1654=2568)
54 854 (+800=1654)
yo 13956 most likely
im gonna eat my frogs and give you details after
Alright, when a sequence isn't obvious you need to find something that links numbers. Most of the time, its a silly combination like previous term minus term or something like that. However, I don't think it's "manually" possible to find the appropriate sequence unless it's a known one. I suggest you a method... I can't tell its 100% correct but it mathematically looks ok.

So the sequence is : 1 2 9 76 1057 ...

If you make a graph with the numbers of your sequence as X axis and the following gap as Y one it would give you this...

Well, by following gap I mean if you take "2" in this sequence the following gap is 7 (because 9-2).

image: cfmaths

As you can see R²=1 which is perfect but in reality its more like 0.999...

The linear regression gives you y=13,23X-27.07 aka "next gap" = 13.23 * Number you know (1057)"-0.27
It seems like it gives something like 13957.3.
Looking at the sequence it goes odd-even-odd-even etc so it must be an even number i guess and 13957 obviously isn't.

So, I did another linear regression but only with the last numbers because the gap between 13956 and 13958 is so small that it's hard to affect R² unless you have a very accurate calculator... Moreover, the number is most likely after 1057 looking at how numbers go...
So, you do the same thing but this time you enter as the next gap for 1057 :13956-1057=12899 OR 13958-1057=1901.
If you do so, and if you have enough digits in the linear regression to compare you'll find that R² is closer to 1 with 13956.

As I said, R² is very close to 1 (excel says 1 but my calculator is @ 0.9999...some digits) so it looks like the X you're looking for but MAYBE after 1057 it doesn't follow a linear law.
Why do you assume this is a linear regression? This can be anything,...
it fits and as i said at the end of my message i mentionned it could stop following a linear law
i don't know but in general the answer is 42
even for the ultimate qustion of life, the universe, and everything? :p
I assume so!
such a masterpiece those books are, aren't they?
My e-career was always more important than books, sadly.
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