CG Season 1: Matches Forced

image: 81XpmVt

All unscheduled second matchweek matches have been forced to this Sunday or Monday. If the date/time does not work for you, then please contact your opponent and let us know if you agree on a new date/time so that we can change it. Keep in mind that each team has 1 wildcard that can be used to cancel any scheduled match for any reason, as long as it is used before the official match time.

A newspost will come soon with more information and a bit of coverage for the upcoming games. If you'd like to help me out by giving a prediction for a match or two, please send me a PM here or on IRC.

As always, feel free to let us know if you have any questions or need help. Thanks and good luck!

CG EU ET 6on6 League
CG EU ET 3on3 League
This game was challenged at first for today 20.3 but opponent didnt accep it -> now its forced to monday? :) We are lacking players @monday and yes this thursday was pretty much the only day we could have played - well tuesday also but they didn't care to accept. So because of their inactivity the game is forced and we most likely can't play on that day? Neither on sunday btw. Wouldn't like to give a def win just cause they are lazy and not well organized
All you have to do is inform us of this in the comments on the match page or via PM, as I have no way of knowing your situation otherwise. I'm sure you realize how unfair it would be to force a match for a date/time less than 18 hours away.

Anyway, the match can be rescheduled if needed. Are you able to play on Sunday instead?
Not really. Tuesday and thursday were the only days we could play and I actually pm'd buggs about it. He told me to pm some lock guy who is their leader apparently but the guy never shows up @irc + they don't seem to have any kind of a channel where you could go and ask around. Buggs was never really eager to help me out and trying to arrange this
Well, it's kinda hard for me as an admin to find a convenient date/time when forcing your matches if you can only play on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can always try to contact them by leaving a comment on the match page instead of waiting on IRC. Just do what you can please, and if it doesn't work out then I'll see what I can do to reschedule the match to a date/time that works for everyone.
I'll try that. Thanks. Normally we can play almost every day but this week happend to be pretty shit one! And of course something like this happens then x(
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