ESL Revival Cup Update

For the past 2 months I was in contact with France crakage to host the ESL Revival Cup. Now I havn't heard from him still, and Kenzi creating the journal wondering what happened to this Cup, I decided to get in contact with another staff member of ESL.

This is the response I got:
QuoteHello timbolina,

The admin that was previously dealing with the test cup has now gone inactive and we have been busy with other cups.
We are currently missing plans and currently not able to provide you with an update although we have now assigned two new admins to the game who will be working to get a test cup out soon.

Best regards,
Mike, ESL Admin

Is there still interest in ESL and their cups & AC?
Would be great to get ET back into ESL, but they really need to get an admin there who actually knows the game
Aniky would be perfect
wait u found another victim? :( im sad now
No offense :P but what would be so great about that? :X
Plenty of benefits, no disadvantages? Why not? Potential cups with prizes if ET picks up activity through out ESL, seasonal EMS; etc. A field-tested and ever updating anti-cheat provided by a multi million dollar company that has been in this very business, as opposed to other alternatives. Even if it doesn't work out and we get none of the above, it's free, trying doesn't hurt. Also, and this coming from an avid ESL-website hater, their site... is easier, less hassle, no 50 teams to manage all the different ladder, cups, etc you're participating in, working cups and what more.

No offense meant to CG, or ohurcool, you guys are great, and we all appreciate what you've done through out the years, but ESL's the big dog in eSports now.
I'm not saying don't try, but they dropped ET for obvious reasons. Chances of such a small game getting an EMS season is minimal (ET didn't have any leagues besides the ladder in the last year before it got dropped). Activity is not likely to grow therefor for ESL it's just poring money into a barrel with a hole in it, the hole getting bigger all the time as activity drops.

Only advantage would be anticheat, which would require new databases and servers to work with ET and they won't keep pouring money into that if it isn't active enough. Like you said its a multimillion dollar company, they don't care about nostalgia/history. They want profitable communities and ET isn't one :D
ESL was always second choice to this community, this is not the reason they dropped ET for. I don't recall anyone having played any ESL ladder games, that stopped sometime in '05 and even then, it was mostly just the German ladder that was active and populated.

You're making an entirely different argument than you've initially implied. I agree, with a few of your points, however your original reasoning was more of a "why would ESL picking up this game be advantageous for us?" as opposed to "why would ESL pick us up at all?".

On a technical note, as you've mentioned servers and "databases", no, they wouldn't lose any money or bandwidth on us, really, we'd just represent another column in their already existing tables, or maybe an additional table, I don't know their setup, but rest assured, you're really not looking at massive amount of storage or bandwidth being required in order for them to integrate ET, the DB would be kept rather small, given our current state, the bandwidth usage would margin on their 0.1% total usage a day. Servers? Why so? I don't believe they only support their own, local, managed servers, do they? People in this community are fairly qualified enough to setup their servers, for whichever verification process Wire goes through (if there even is a server-side check for such, I wouldn't know, I quite honestly don't know anything at all about their anticheat).

No, ET itself isn't profitable to them or anyone, nor are plenty of other games they support. You know who and what's profitable though? Site hits. Unique hits, every day. Ads. And potential "ESL Premium" subscribers. They don't care if we bring in the big names, if we don't bombard them with means of making big amounts of cash, they wont provide us with such, but they wont ignore us either. They'll still make money out of us, you don't go kicking someone in the face that's giving you free money.
so much lol in this comment:
Quotepotential cups with prizes

Quotea multi million dollar company

QuoteA field-tested and ever updating anti-cheat
Is there anyone like that out there? :D
Anyone who knows the game? I'd think that there are a few :D

Different story is if there are any experienced, knowledgeable and motivated admins left.

I haven't seen them looking for an admin with ET knowledge though so I wonder if these new admins are just admins from some another game, whose only experience from ET is from publics back in 2004 or something like that. Hopefully not.
Knows the game+motivated is what I meant. Let's even ignore the admin experience and it's still gonna be tough :D Knowing ESL they won't pick someone out of the blue to give him the glorious ESL tag. Probably gonna be someone from other game or maybe they'll snap someone out of retirement from old crew and he'll go inactive after 2 weeks to make ET moar death.
Well yeah, I can understand that they don't want the ET division to be completely run by people with zero previous experience with ESL, but they could recruit at least someone new with proper ET knowledge to be part of their crew
We need baq to save ET!
avi for admin, where can I apply? I want to come out big
ESL|baq will save ET
any activity from ESL side ?
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