cvar help

i need some help!!! for some odd reason the time for the match shows but my spawn timer wont show for my spawn time anyone know how i can fix this please cause right now im stuck doing enemy spawn timer for my own lol
In game: press esc -> etpro -> hud. then toggle different huds. if that doesnt work, there is probably something wrong with ur spawntimer binds -> either check for typos or use the most simple version /bind <key> timerset 30, etcetc..
thanks for the help man i had reinforcementtimers off for some odd reason
cg_bigmacinsteadofbrain 1
and u are just a ignorant fuck OHHH AMERICAN CHEESE BURGERS fatty LMAO be original for once
Ouch, that hit the spot.
didnt hit the spot im not fat so i dont really care but i hear the same comment from every euro its just stupid thats all u have to say lmao i mean for real more than half this internet community have to be dicks cause that have a computer to hide behind
a big mac is not a cheeseburger, cmon dude you're american you should know this stuff
seta cg_drawReinforcementTime "1"
ty mate i got it fixed tho thanks anyway for the help :X it was just a brain fart i couldnt remember what the command was lol
it's not NaZtY, it's United States of America Nightbreedi
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