Jnz cheats?
17 Jan 2006, 21:54
We were having a 3on3 and this jnz guy was shooting 3hs from nowhere we called superherow razz to come and spec them so i went allies and i invited him fast , it came ice and razz specced him his aim was really weird shakey then hs after the game razz uplaoded the demo and we watched it (me aza mize) we think he has give us your opinion.
http://ph4te.piano-piano.ch/jnzhax.dm_84 <-- part one
http://ph4te.piano-piano.ch/jnzhax2.dm_84 <-- part two
http://ph4te.piano-piano.ch/jnzhax.dm_84 <-- part one
http://ph4te.piano-piano.ch/jnzhax2.dm_84 <-- part two