6on6 NationsCup 2014: Seeking participants for a showmatch

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With my previous attempt at a showmatch between Canada Canada and Sweden Sweden not working out for a variety of reasons, Belgium ChilAx and I decided it would be a good idea to look into the possibility of a new showmatch. With such activity being brought about by the announcement of our cup alone, this is sure to be the final push for motivating teams, viewers, and even the admins of the cup!

To be eligible to lead your nation's team in a showmatch, however, we do ask a few things:

  • You should be able to demonstrate support from at least a couple of players who were previously playing in your nation's former NC teams (or were a member yourself).
  • You should have made an application to become captain, which we would consider accepting. This means you must have sent a PM to Belgium ChilAx or United States of America Foreigner stating that you have applied, and that your application should not seem to be trolling in any way.
  • You must be able to give a possible lineup for the match when you contact us.
  • You and your team must be available on a Sunday before the first matchweek begins to play the match.

    One match participant will likely be Canada Canada. If this sounds like something you may be interested in, please contact me at #LIKEABOSS on irc, send me a private message on Crossfire, or leave a comment here!
can't wait for team germany showmatch with Oxy in the lineup! :)
Oxy fit very well in the team last season, in case you didn't know he actually practiced (merced) with them in plenty of their pracs and he performed just as good as the rest. also Oxy is actually capable of talking to the players who'd possibly agree to be in the team: blade/stown/kresti/drago/silent/gr0ss/kiwi/kevji and so on.

also afaik players like snoop, flop, duke, butchji etc won't return to et but if there's anyone capable of actually finding AND convincing most inactive (skilled) players, it'd be Oxy.

ps. he would never put himself in the lineup if all of the players I mentioned above agreed to join the team. =)
QuotePossibly, depending on who else can be convinced.

I guess that would be a 80% chance to have him in the germany lineup :)

But what ever, I don't care anyway, this game is anyway ridiculus. People still hating stray, because?
hmm, in case you didn't notice it's the german team itself that disliked stray and his attitude last season? he threatened for example to remove Kevji because "I'm da boss" and the other players (duke etc) pointed out that they had no use for stray the entire season.

e: as said by Foreigner, what makes you think it's an 80% chance? most of the top germans actually have no problems with Oxy so I don't understand why you think he would have troubles to get them in the lineup.
Hmm, looks like I was not up to date :D Alright then I guess he'll do his job
los team germany mental ! XD
bei stray wäre es vielleicht etwas geworden (backup oder so xD), wird aber eh wieder so nen friends team #inactive #gutvor6jahrenplayers

oha sad panda hab gedacht ich krieg was zum lachen :<
wat soll das den heißen, wenn du lachen willst, musste mir bei LoL zugucken, platinboy jetzt
schäm dich, wie kann man nur LoL spielen D:
beste, tryhard 24/7
I think that's not really true (about people not being good anymore) all the people in this list belong in team DE: "blade/stown/kresti/drago/silent/gr0ss/kiwi/kevji"

+ they've been just as skilled in recent times as years ago. :]
What happened to duke,butchji and snoop anyway?

I know that flop is nerding CS:GO or some BF I think (atleast someone said so :D) but what about them?
duke announced last season after finishing with DE that he'd probably quit now, finally. butchji is playing SC2 or something and afaik hasn't got much interest in ET. the last time I saw him playing was during the shitstorm surrounding the WinFakt ET team before Adroits, I suppose if I were him I wouldn't be interested in playing all that much either. :D snoop is probably just not in the mood to play anymore, he's played long enough and doesn't seem to care for achievements anymore. also I think the majority of the people he valued as friends over the years in ET (noT etc) have quit, so there isn't much for him to return to.
It's funny how you always know everything about everyone if someone asks xd no offence man I mean it's fun for real!
good memory. :d this is pretty much all shit I've read or been told so I won't forget it.
flop@cs:go carreer :)
how can u flame the all beatiful and super awesome stronk best player in ET stray? :(
I haven't flamed him, haven't even mentioned him. :P I've just seen the German players express their own thoughts about him applying, that's all.
sarcasm :P i can understand why some people have doubts about him ^^
cuz hes one of the reasons i left the csgo team he made :(

and gg i replied to the wrong one xD thats why

I remember talking to you a lot on pub during last years NC and you wasnt exactly "nice" towards stray, haha :D
well guess why :P
didnt touch et at all anymore :< sad panda
raging, selfish imbecile without respect for others? (If I remember correctly)
well that too
but i think the biggest problem is he only sees the fault in other people and cant judge himself at all
so blaming/flaming goes on and on
no fun at all to play with him ^^
How does he get so many players to play with him then?
Im the exact opposite and I cant get anyone to play with me!!! Haha:D
well to begin with he is really nice to top players and then after they "like" him it doesn't matter to act like himself. after so many years it seems even his buddies can't stand him though.
Artstar you said "really nice" don't you mean arselick? He's bad,always was and always will be. NP Mr. POLITICALLY CORRECT.
You're a retarded faggot. There's the difference!
Im neither retarded or gay, so what's your problem?
I think we can all wholeheartedly agree here that you're a retard. Let's not even discuss that point.
Coming from someone who I've never talked to. Sounds a bit funny to me, more likely that you're retarded :P
Yeah no, stop saying the contrary; you're a retard.
BRWAAAAAA BRWAAAAAAAA péter leur cheville à ces putes nègres t'entend mon jeune cultivateur des bois
que de l'amour pour les fanatiques du roi heenok respect à toi mon frère de couleur vrais negros font vrais choses et rappel toi de manger biologique mon petit de la belgique oh quand vas-tu nous faire un journal de recette santée
show me that 3rd arm of yours mmmmmmmmmmmm
hi wodka :)
oxy is beast i heard
your teaming up with that fucking retard and waste of human flesh chilax? jesus ive been gone too long
why so mean bro?
im sorry, i just dont like that guy lol
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