laptop & r_mode

Hi all,

My laptop can only run ET with r_mode -1, if I try 4 or 6 I get those black bars on the side or it crashes with an OpenGL error. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

What's wrong with -1?
I've heard that you get way more recoil! I'd just like to try some other stuff aswell, been using the same config for over 4 years now.
lol... Well actually u get more recoil the bigger ur resolution is

I dont think resolution affects recoil at all. LOL?
sidenote: also if you play with sunglasses on you get less recoil
You need to fix that in your videodriver:
was something like ''make game fit to screen''
u need to put different customwidth and heigth
r_fullscreen 1
set r_mode -1
set r_customwidth "1280"
set r_customheight "1024"
set r_fullscreen 1

This worked for me
image: mZevXFn

1. check on Fullscreen option
2. check on override the scaling mode set by games and programs
3. set the desired resolution for ET on the dropdown list
4. r_mode -1 ;r_customwidth x ;r_customheight y
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