6on6 NationsCup 2014: A few updates

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At the time that this post is being written, we’ve received 32 applications from 17 different countries, many of whom would be great captains. We’re off to a great start in what should be a successful cup! We do, however, have a few updates and reminders for the community.

The first update is that while we've already contacted a handful of players to ask for their input on the captain of certain nations, we're going to extend this to the larger community for a couple of nations. All you need to do is send a PM to Belgium ChilAx or United States of America Foreigner stating who you think is the best candidate and a short explanation of why you think they would be the best captain. The rule remains that you must be from the nation that you're voting for. Although we're open to input on any nation, there are three nations in particular that we're struggling to pick the best candidate: Canada Canada, Portugal Portugal, and Czech Republic Czech Republic. You can view applications here.

With 17 nations signed up already, we're hopeful that at least a few more players will sign up to captain these
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Israel Israel
Italy Italy
Australia Australia
Slovenia Slovenia
Norway Norway
Croatia Croatia

For the final reminder, part of the application process is to send a PM on Crossfire to Belgium ChilAx or United States of America Foreigner. Currently, we’ve received no PMs
United States of America Seed
Poland Marcin
Poland Risk
Czech Republic Sklamak
Portugal takerj
Hungary Karrrde
Chile casek

We're also still looking for a nation that wishes to do a showmatch against either Canada Canada, on Sunday the 6th of April, or against Czech Republic Czech Republic on Wednesday the 2nd of April or Thursday the 3rd of April. The initial post seeking participants can be found here.

This should be the final post before captains selected for each nation and rules for the cup are released on Wednesday. Remember, it's not too late to sign up to be a captain, give your input on your nation's captain, or make suggestions about the tournament! If there are any questions, feel free to PM us here on Crossfire or message us on irc at #LIKEABOSS!
uk still not Oo
Interested in seeing takerj playing there altho when he's mad or drunk he likes to use aimbot at pub/in irc wars.
that's not real casek btw, someone is trolling.
how do you know?
casek said he does not want to be involved in NC because he doesnt even play ET. Also like nobody from that lineup plays anymore.
Denmark missing :<
They can still apply here for captain! But we have just made a list of the nations that competed last year.

But all nations are welcome!
Netherlands Timbolina is Ready for this !
easy game easy life. you know who to pick yo
Why not me?? I have many teams like GPS OfkoZz and many more
Kurwa idioto ja to dla zartow napisalem ale nie wiedzialem ze wezma pod uwage moja kandydature :XD
ha ha dobry zart ci wyszedl
izi Netherlands amqze
saKen jij moet captain worden dan komt er tenminste nog wat terecht van team nl xd
ja idd saken wtf zit je op te wachte!!!! xd
Funny that you are searching for showmatches if there is no captain or lineup announced yet :o
kApot for team NL captain
lekker boy !
wanneer zit je op ts ?
kom ik wel weer een keer langs wiepen xD
Maybe its a good idea to put some nations together, like Norway & Denmark (example) cuz they're struggling to get 6 I guess ?
That's definitely not something we would do. It would just be a whining point for nations like United States of America USA. It's never been allowed in previous NCs and I can't see a reason to do it here.
Was just an idea mate :--)
wow. it's never been done before so why try now. how dare you call yourself an American. you should be deported immediately. We true Americans have the attitudes of winners, and winners don't crumble in fear of change or hardship. Was it easy to go the moon? No. Did we do it? Yes. Was it easy winning two world wars and dominating Russia later on? No. Did we do it? Yes.

Keep avoiding challeneges and change, and while you're at it, move to some 3rd world commie country you giant fucking pussy. Get some sunlight and maybe you'll start thinking like a true American.
Yeah! That's the American way! Let's allowed anim to compete with Team USA so kARDON and a couple other American assholes can win a match! In fact, I think we should let Sweden use Iceland phyZiC too! They may have enough players to field a team every game, but they're not all as good as phyZiC, so it's only fair that they get to use him.
and btw, the applicants you have so far lead to believe that this is going to be a wonderful success.

hope you can sniff out my sarcasm.

He is just saying that we're not using that idea to switch people to countries. It's never done before. And it's our decision.
The main reason would be to get more teams which probably isn't a bad reason. Depends on how many nations there already are - if you have enough nations already, there is no reason to do it.
We have around 18 now. But i guess we can get 20 without doing that. Only Romania is not sure if they can get 6. For the others i dont see any problem. (who participated last year) If Denmark is intrested :) send me a PM
Sounds good. Sorry but I doubt that we would be able to complete a 6-man lineup :P
You can try :D
I've seen xcN_ around on irc. I think bloOdje is from (or living in) Denmark and eligible to play with you. fryzer is around, he's been in some gtv matches lately. It's a longshot, but maybe you could convince a couple of old guys to come back!
Oh cool, I didn't know that some of the oldschoolers are still around. The problem is that I only have contact with like 2 danes that used to play this game and I have no idea if they would return. I could give it a try but I'm not sure that I would manage to complete the lineup. Last time I kinda fucked it up :P
It's worth a shot! If it's worth it to you to give it a try, it's no problem for us. We won't be adding nations who can't field 6 players by the time lineups are supposed to be finalized, so you're welcome to apply and become captain. You also may find some of the players I mentioned know other Danes who are still around or would return.
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