6on6 NationsCup 2014: A few updates
30 Mar 2014, 15:54
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At the time that this post is being written, we’ve received 32 applications from 17 different countries, many of whom would be great captains. We’re off to a great start in what should be a successful cup! We do, however, have a few updates and reminders for the community.
The first update is that while we've already contacted a handful of players to ask for their input on the captain of certain nations, we're going to extend this to the larger community for a couple of nations. All you need to do is send a PM to ChilAx or Foreigner stating who you think is the best candidate and a short explanation of why you think they would be the best captain. The rule remains that you must be from the nation that you're voting for. Although we're open to input on any nation, there are three nations in particular that we're struggling to pick the best candidate: Canada, Portugal, and Czech Republic. You can view applications here.
With 17 nations signed up already, we're hopeful that at least a few more players will sign up to captain these
For the final reminder, part of the application process is to send a PM on Crossfire to ChilAx or Foreigner. Currently, we’ve received no PMs
We're also still looking for a nation that wishes to do a showmatch against either Canada, on Sunday the 6th of April, or against Czech Republic on Wednesday the 2nd of April or Thursday the 3rd of April. The initial post seeking participants can be found here.
This should be the final post before captains selected for each nation and rules for the cup are released on Wednesday. Remember, it's not too late to sign up to be a captain, give your input on your nation's captain, or make suggestions about the tournament! If there are any questions, feel free to PM us here on Crossfire or message us on irc at #LIKEABOSS!
But all nations are welcome!
wanneer zit je op ts ?
kom ik wel weer een keer langs wiepen xD
Keep avoiding challeneges and change, and while you're at it, move to some 3rd world commie country you giant fucking pussy. Get some sunlight and maybe you'll start thinking like a true American.
hope you can sniff out my sarcasm.