wow dont understand

so i was on a sever today and because i killed this person (who's name i can't remember) started calling me a fat american and to go eat McDonalds lol which btw gj being creative so i asked him where he is from and he said uk......

image: 1977003_793903273955750_2031671901_n_zps7bec4386

so enough said and in a dallas green mood tonight wbu :P

Trans-fat is bad for the brain.
Burger king > McDonald's.
Shame the nearest one is 45 mins away x)
both are fucking fucking fucking bad
I'm sorry about fumble's behaviour, but he takes this game very serious and has a very short temper. It's best to just ignore him.
Hahahahhahahahahaha iceq stop
I think your problem seems to be that you are a fat American and should go eat McDonalds
which state/city are you from?
According to the McDonald's Corporation website (as of June 2012), McDonald's has, "More than 33,000 restaurants around the world in 118 countries. In the United States, there are more than 14,000 restaurants.."

Hahaa, fatty-fat-fatson mad?
OMG! So there's a McDonalds close to where people LIVE!!! What a shocker!
haha i think you're fat too because there are mcdonalds in NL
go eat a mcdonalds
call 911
don't be ashamed and go healthy! :)
So americans are still fat, newspost pls
lol fuck you be proud of your fat like a man
where the fuck are you
stuck in helsinki :D trying to get ride back to computer place
i dont really get why we have 2 mcdonalds 100 meter away from each other XD
lol fat american
hahaha eat some burger
euroamerican-uk fags are fat - true, real americans are even fatter and fattest in the world.
i always wonder what shit they eat to breakfast/dinner in the movies, moreover its very strange they make burgers to lunch although they are at home.
so i m glad to own my german überbody and german überfood

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