6on6 NationsCup 2014: Rules

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General Rules:
  • Abusive behavior towards a cup admin or opponent, at any time during the cup season may result in an appropriate punishment for the offending nation's team.
  • The Team Captain is responsible for his own members knowing and following the rules.
  • The Team Captain must be available in #LIKEABOSS when possible in order to be contacted by opposing teams and admins.
  • 1 wildcard will be allowed during the cup.
  • Matches will be forced on Thursday to the following Sunday at either 20 or 21 CET.

  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

Nationality and residence requirements:
  • Any player must be living in or originally from (born in) the nation that they seek to manage or play for. Proof may be required and must be presented upon admin request.

Server arrangements for non-EU nations:
As has been done in past NCs, there will be several reasonable accommodations for non-EU nations. The rules have only been set for nations currently signed up. Should more non-EU nations field a team, additional rules will be added.
  • Matches with Canada/United States of America teams must be played on a United Kingdom server.
  • Matches with Chile must be played on a United States of America server unless agreed by both teams.
  • Matches with Australia must be played on a United States of America server unless agreed by both teams.

Before the game:
  • Any server disputes should be taken up with an admin before match time.
  • Matches must be scheduled at least 24 hours prior to their agreed-upon time.
  • Admins will add all games to GamesTV as soon as they're set to take place. Team captains must contact
    United States of America Foreigner or Belgium ChilAx with the time agreed upon and the map their team has picked.

During the game:
  • CGAC is mandatory in all matches! Team captains are responsible for ensuring that their team is on CGAC. Matches played without CGAC can be rescheduled if agreed by both nations (within the same matchweek), but the nation whose match was played on CGAC has the right to claim a forfeit win.
  • If the server crashes during a match, an admin must be contacted immediately where an agreement between teams is not possible. If no admin is available, a restart is mandatory.
  • The break between maps will be exactly 10 minutes unless the teams ready up themselves.
  • If present, a referee will pause the match whenever a player overflows or crashes. The pause may last no longer than 5 minutes (enough time to reboot and reconnect). The maximum total pause time is 10 minutes per map per team. A map can be paused no more than 5 times for the same problem of the same player (i.e. repeated connection losses) in the entire match. After that, the player has to play with his problem or be replaced.

After the game:
  • The match result must be given from both teams to the same admin.

Additional information:
  • The tournament will use a double-elimination bracket, which will be released on Monday, April 21th. Seeds will be done by consulting neutral members of the community who are knowledgeable, after lineups are released.
  • Any questions should be directed to Foreigner or ChilAx on irc at #LIKEABOSS.


I want Karsiah :(
If there's enough interest, we could expand it. I'll talk with ChilAx and see about running a poll.
Wallhack doesnt work on that map?
that's actually an april fool I guess :D
thats actually an april fool I guess

is it one or not?
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