Need computer geek expert

Hi sisters and brothers from the internet!

Since i had no answer on #crossfire because everybody recovers from last night because they played very hardcore and because there are many "because" in this sentence I'm writing a journal.

Basically, I made a physics simulation c++ program works well n stuff but id like to make a 2d interface menu. Well, it'd be like a window with buttons and when i click on a button it executes a part of my program. Is it possible and how?
I'm not a supadupapro @ coding so the simplest the bestest!
image: tumblr_n1aaetEkzS1qzy9ouo2_r1_1280
MarseilleColonel LeFrancis - A lazy man

e : btw thomm made me write this journal, hes the one to blame or love
Basically you just need to use a GUI library like wxWidgets or Qt, create a form with buttons and hook up events. Keep in mind that all GUI libs are event driven, so you cannot do any hardcore processing in the events procedures or it will make the whole app lag.
do u have doc or tuto for this?
I guess its easier to setup everything in Qt since they have a nice installer and their own IDE but I prefer wxWidgets myself. Here is some basic info:
When I'm lazy I use a GUI IDE for java. For example Netbeans.

If I'm correct it should also support C++, if not there should be enough IDE's around to help you get started.
After you've used the generated code, I'd suggest you take a look at it and try to figure out how the code functions.

What would you use if you weren't lazy?
Just type the code yourself?
format c :DDDDDddDDdDD
You have to learn C++ GUI ..
And here you go :
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