ET lags & error

Hi guys

yesterday I was playing an offi with CGAC and suddenly my ET started lagging and after some mins my teamspeak as well. I didnt play the offi and went to another server without CGAC and it seemed like it was okay.. But after 1 round my ET started lagging again (not 100 ping or sth but rly 200-850-999-76 etc)

Then I was kicked from the server and got this error :
End of message

Today the problem is still there. (not the error but the lags) Was playing on nbs for 25mins without any problems and now I got the same shitty lags again... But I think its not my ET since my TS starts lagging as well or... ?

Can some1 pls help me ?

already did net_port & net_restart & stuff but didnt help

if i remember correctly it could have something to do with your router.

ET has a bit of a bug that can cause the client to attempt to send commands to the server before the connection is setup; the net result of this bug is that the initial data the server sends will be decrypted properly. The incorrectly decrypted data will still be interpreted, and will result in messages like 'configstrings > MAX_CONFIGSTRING', 'CL_ParsePacketEntities: end of message', or 'CL_ParseGamestate: bad command byte'.

You can mitigate the problem by making a conscious effort to avoid pressing any keys or mouse buttons (including the wheel) that result in commands being sent to the server (e.g. weapnext, weapprev) between the 'Awaiting challenge...' message and the actual level-loading screen."

There is also something about changing netport by adding " +set net_port 27961" (with space) to shortcut parameters
"if i remember correctly it could have something to do with your router." but didnt change router or sth.. ? yesterday it was okay, went away for like 30 mins and then the lag started...

try setting some ports open, it could be the solution.
thanks, i'll try it
QuoteYou can mitigate the problem by making a conscious effort to avoid pressing any keys or mouse buttons (including the wheel) that result in commands being sent to the server (e.g. weapnext, weapprev) between the 'Awaiting challenge...' message and the actual level-loading screen."

ah that's why this happens! Found out the solution by myself tho.
thx for info
Tell your mates to stop being cunts and accept score 4:0
Don't be a pussy and play the rematch where eron and eclipse don't lagg...
we waited 30 minutes for your bullshit
eclipse was lagging in adler also like crazy
awwwh, scared to play a stupd 3v3 match again. We played 2v3 . + we played 10sec with 3 and we had the tank! so scared pussy

whatever its 3v3 , dont care about that format
we held you at tank for 9 minutes before he lagged and stole tank, the outcome would have been the same regardless if he was lagging or not, because once I stopped lagging as well I was taking 2 of you out almost every spawn, not to mention ipod ran through you like a desperate guy who just lost his job and spent his life savings on a hooker on a saturday night
why no rematch man ? Didnt even play 2mins without lag..
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