6on6 NationsCup 2014: Captains Update

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6on6 NationsCup 2014

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Only a few days after captains have been announced, we've run into a couple of small issues. I'll waste no time getting to the point of this journal:

First, due to overlooking the lack of PM from Chile Casek, Chile currently has no captain. If anyone is interested in becoming captain, feel free to PM me here on Crossfire or in irc (Foreigner at #LIKEABOSS). We've since double checked and made sure that everyone else that was picked as a captain sent us a PM and followed all of the other procedures.

Secondly, I've recently been made aware that United Kingdom razz, due to a communication issue, did not submit his application to be captain of The United Kingdom on time. Because it was an error that Belgium ChilAx and I can understand (due to phrasing), we've decided to allow the community of the UK to let us know: would you prefer to see United Kingdom razz or United Kingdom Kamz as the captain? To let us know, simply send a PM to me telling me who you want and a brief explanation of your reasoning. You may do this until Sunday at 20:00 CET, at which time, we'll make a journal announcing our decision.

UPDATE: United Kingdom Kamz has decided to withdraw his application and allow United Kingdom razz to take over the United Kingdom.

In the immediate future (by Saturday at 20:00), you should see a journal that lets you know how to register your team on CG to participate in the cup. Below is some other important events:
  • By Sunday, April 20th, you must have a roster of at least 6 players picked and posted here on Crossfire.
  • We will be posting brackets (after consulting several respected members of the community on seeding) the following Monday, April 21st.
  • The first matchweek will begin exactly one week after, on April 28th.

Good luck to all teams!

poor Kamz, gotta shine his bronze medal harder
that's up to the community!
Isn't all United Kingdom community left like 10 people? :D last year's team UK and the 2 playing with erase xD
I think that could be said for most countries in ET nowadays, sadly.
Only Poland stronk
finland has quite a large playerbase
so does usa
been pugging each night with 12+ usa players daily
Are inactive people allowed to vote? What exactly are the criteria ... ?
Just living in the UK and having a Crossfire account from before today.
nl gonna take it
Nice supporting your country, faggot :s
vein got a secret lu ;)
i will try to get Casek or M@x or someone else to apply as captain.
He said that he can try something if we asked nicely.. So maybe you can convince him. Or ask the 3v3 captain to apply?
i just send you a pm ;)
It's a very weird decision that you guys are going to allow razz to apply as a captain still. In case of all other nations you two have decided who should be captain. Now in this case, since razz obviously applied too late, you are going to let the community decide who should be captain. We all know the majority of the community is going to vote for razz (and most likely it's your preference too), and you are going to tell Kamz that the community decided razz should be captain.

In my opinion, if you are going to allow razz to apply still, you two should review both applies and then decide who should be captain of UK.

(say for instance Finland froxe had the same problem as razz and tells you guys about it, I don't think you would have the community vote between twidi and froxe. You would've told him its unfortunate for him but he applied too late.)

PS. sorry im picking you froxe as example <3
To be honest I think razz should be the captain since hes active compared to kamz
But idk if its fair to change it.. kamz signed up, razz is/was simply to late.

(ps, je NL-lineupje al klaar?:))
Yes, I know it is only reasonable to let razz be captain, since he is way more active than Kamz. But don't waste them by doing some dumbass voting, just pick razz yourself and tell kamz he's benched.

(Nop, try-outs aan het doen)
I agree with ya, the votingpart is just theatre
We all know how this will end xd, razz will be the captain.
thats how it works man, agreed!
Good example, I think you made your point!

Ps. Thank you for making me log in to CF !
Haha, you are welcome. Luckily you remebered your password
You wrote it on a vodka bottle right?
the difference is the fact that koop, razz, sqzz, ross, crmbs and artstar all refuse to play with and under kamz.
what is actually the reason for that?
I saw some matches where they played together, what happened? :/
That's not my point here
It should be, however. Same reasoning if players like lepari, squall, matias and who not refused to play under twidi as opposed to froxe. It must be taken under consideration, whether you agree or not.
Wtf are you bullshitting. It's 2 completely different points you are comparing to each other.
Am I though? This is the exact fucking case that's happening right now. UK can't field a lineup due to the unwillingness of players to play for the appointed captain, thus a new vote is being held. There's no other reason for this, at all, period.
Tim: the admins should decide for themselves who should be captain
Oxy: some UK players dont want to play with Kamz

Voting is a waste of time, just pick razz
hey I played with kamz like 2 weeks ago. :(
The difference between razz and froxe is that I told him the deadline in a way that ChilAx, razz and I all consider unclear.
They're not actually letting the community decide. Pretty much everyone besides Kamz and his crew (potty, miXer, etc.) realize that razz would be a much better captain, so it doesn't really matter who makes the final decision. But it does look better if the admins "allow" the UK players to "choose" their captain instead of deciding on their own. :P
Yes, I know. But in the end razz will be picked either way, so why not just pick him immediately.
Because like I said, it looks better if they claim to be making their decision based on how the community feels rather than making it based on their personal opinions and preferences.
Don't think so. That's what happened with all other nations. But I understand your point.
the fact is that it should have been razz in the first place, kamz doesnt even know he got nominated captain and it has been 2-3 weeks now, he's never online and wouldn't be serious about it. Plus koop and rest of last years winning team wouldn't have played. By asking the community obviously Kamz is gonna loose. I dont know what happened with froxes but its not the same but cmon we're talking about Kamz here, if it was fumble I don't think we'd be discussing about it. So yes I agree with you that admins should take the decisions but they are obvious and shouldnt wait on random votes. But like jon said, it makes it looks better and democratic!
a team uk lineup with kamz would be a fucking joke and insta gold pocal for us, so just pick razz or Artstar yourself so we can actually have a 3rd part of UK vs PL story in the Grand Final.
razz because he has more skilled friends than kamz and a better nickname
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