
here we go again with some shit editing and stuff, with shit actions and good action, with hate and love, with peace and war

obviously i would recommend to watch the full Demo...


low encode:

high encode:

but enough.. let the flame start

Edit: timestamps were send to Ohurcool and Szczurek
xD kitt strikes again woohoo
getting paid for that... 1 cent for 5 views :)
looks like pretty much the usual shit when you watch everything with r_shownormals 1 imo, a few scenes looked a little weird, but I bet that's mainly due to shownormals and not hearing the communication during actions like for example the moment when he was aiming next to the backstairs
hm you dont consider that we watched it more than 1 time without r_shownormals? i just did r_shownormals for the recording...
That guy can't even play properly, his gamesense is a lot worse than mine :D
Nothing suspictious here, all i see is some predictions made due to teamspeak comms that anyone would do
I'm clean
u have to kiddin me

mad cuz you lost? can't see anything obvious
aiming through the box on 2 guys isn't obvious? yep amybe just luck at that point but i just asked for opinions and maybe youa dmins take a closer look into it :P
was watching only few first actions tbh
there was nothing obvious so i turned it off
thats the spirit... 30 seconds nothing.. turn ir off..

anyway.. should we create more specific timestamps and ectually explain why we think that he is using some kind of forbidden pr0gramm?
the best way is create both versions: with and without r_shownormals
if you prefer you can make a timestamps for whole demo and give it to me or ohurcool
democrew will take a look on it
Even if he did aim on them he didnt preshot or anything. His reaction is rly slow so i dont get it.
oh sorry that he didint preshoot... al players shoot be preshoot...
Wallhack for having half second reaction time? Ftw.
where else should he watch at when not into the direction where enemys could be ?
i mean should he turn around just because he is behind boxes ?
There's nothing suspicious man. Just let it be :)
nothing even little bit suspicious

good effort on avi tho, you and swani should join 5k
nice effort but no
mad cuz bad
erzähl mir mal was neues...
hahahhah no.
This is even worse than swani's attempt :S
nothing weird there..
As i said on gamestv and now you can hear from more people.... nope, not at all.

But go ask ohurcool... this is a CG match with CGAC being used.
yep CGAC so usefull :)
or your friends who are using aimbots when they are getting raped in random 6o6 irc wars...
mmmm...? Who?
esse gajo é toto nao ligues xD
Eu sei :DD Mas há que o por no lugar dele ;D
oh maria das couves e aparecer no Ts nao?
o pessoal pt anda todo ai num TS a fazer mix, tb tens la ppl que joga CS ! aparece nub ! dps mando.te o ip
Hope you're not talking about me you random tard. Just because you got owned in the last few games we played against you and your crying mates doesn't mean hacks were involved. Stop kicking me from NBS by the way, I'm tired of changing my nickname despite the easy process it takes to go around your silly little brain.
I haven't lost a single 6on6 against you, so not sure what you're talking about, also I never use my real nick in 6on6s, such a dumbfuck like you couldn't even recognise his friend on server.

I won't stop kicking you, you won't play there. Deal with it.
Go suck a d, thanks. Can't tell if you're retarded or just a 12 years old kid.
You're such a nerd you made an account just to reply on comments, congratulations.

Noob wannabe.
he is actually 15 and braindead so just ignore him ;)
heard he is 12 :D
hi monique :D
yo mate, how have you been doing?
going steady but slowly, what about u? Long time we didnt talk.
yeah, since i quit ET for like 4-5 years, am fine, came back now to play with portuguese ppl for funs, but ET is so dead xDDD it's a shame.
Well cant really expect it to be up as it was at past, but have to take what we have in order to enjoy some casual games.
true that :D
cant see shit just ultra low sens and some gamesense

im disappointed tho, team craze could have raped em easily
eventhough this cgac is useless, that guy wasn't obvious. normal reaction after loosing :/
lol you saying that cause you lost to SM?
"One,two,three,four... beat and shake. Life is created by this beat and shake- how wonderful!"

"This is the natural farming broccoli which has a strong vital force"
finally, a decent comment
The problem with these "bust" videos of yours is that you always do the same thing: include 2 or 3 suspicious moments then fill the rest of the video with garbage that isn't even remotely weird. This doesn't really help to validate your opinion and instead just makes you look like you're desperately trying to find something which explains why you lost the match.
yep.. i could easily put the whole round in it but what would the point? i put the most suspicious moments in our eyes in the videos just to become a bit feedback.

but check your irc and/or talk with your polish admin mate who already got timestamps + explainations!!
Stop this stupid crying, thanks. Video from a low+ player to low- whiners. Get real.
cheater blabla...

i let the democrew decide... funny how alle the portugese people now crawling out of their caves...
Bust yourself now.
give me a link where i cheated and i will do it
There is a reason for all Portuguese people to come back ;)

Someone decided to create a facebook group and reunite all old ET player in a attempt to play some fun wars between us. Thats why you see alot more Portuguese people playing pubs / gamestv / clan wars n shit.
actually is nice to see a portugese just signup to tell me to fuck off :)
We are nice people as you can see :D
Came back to playing ET a month ago, like many on the Portuguese community did. After my first offi on Valkyrie and after a nice game, random players that probably were used to win lose a game and immediatly come crying with a pathetic video?

Then you want us to keep quiet, kden.
alles so blasehasen hier
1st: clean
2nd: clean
3rd: clean
4th: multikill
5th: guy watching low 100% called that on TS before he selfkilled
6th: clean
rest: just fraghunting, also he's lowsens as hell you can see he's moving his mouse as little as possible
wow people can say clean but dont even bother to give a explaination why they think that a clean move...
cuz he is defending, waiting for the enemys, he has to put the aim somewhere ...
you know there is some attack also involved?
because there is always gunfire in a location before he walks there/shoots there, it just totally eliminates any possibility of using it as a 'bust moment'.
only one obvious is that nade 0:44 - 0:47

but look torakos stats here
and compare them to the new ones :)

never heared of torako before but gg
this match was like 4years ago -.- it would be weird if the match was 2-3 days ago but this isnt a valid argument^^
nothing special.
kitt, don't you know that it is common practice nowadays to track enemies through the wall?
somebody should teach me this tactic :)
follow the lines at the maps ! easy track marks for headshots !
i saw his headshots :P and i didnt even said anything about it...
I'd say clean, only the nade was a bit weird considering the way he tracks :D.
Teamspeak comments can explain it i guess (didn't check)
when you didnt check why you even post? ah you are also portugese...
dude shut up already, treating portuguese like polish, shame on you
just stating the fact that people talk about scenes but they didnt even checked it...

maybe they should shut up? maybe gget the information first and then talk...
You stupid twat, they are a clan... wouldn't take a stupid monkey to realize that someone might have said:
"5 coming bridge.. 1 missing.. might be down"
or "saw 1 coming down.."

But since you are all full of shit, let me tell you something... All of this because you lost? Never seen such a loser, specially crying because of 6 inactive players who just came back like 3 weeks ago. That has to mean something right? Are you hurt because you have been playing all this time, and people who stopped 4 years ago can still get your ass in line?

And to answer you, i can talk and i don't even need to check. You created a 2.5 mins fragmovie with 0 weird evidence, and you expect to bust someone who played 2 maps / 4 rounds, based on a pretty normal nade (that might be explained using a team mate point of view)? In this case, mAus, butchji and so on would have been busted based on a 4s long clip long ago...

Get real, put some ice in your ass, it might cool down the pain.
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