1st serious offi?

I was just checking my 1st games on gtv so I asked me when did u guys played ur 1st serious offi like cb oc, esl cups and so on?
For the 1st time I played in cb OC was in 2010. At this time I played et for around 6months and created the team Germanyfear-gaming.
The 1st offi in this OC we had on 10.10.2010. (magic :D) We were in div3 and had to play vs EstoniaUnhits.ee, this was also my most intense game ever, especially on rader where we won the map in the last second :)

special shoutout to fanatic,robert,ipod and kitt
I don't know my first offi anymore, but first time I played gamesTV was this match: http://www.gamestv.org/event/6202-matrix-alliance-vs-vicious-hellraisers/ (there is no replay tho.. :( ) My nickname was icaRus back then. I played scrims and stuff much earlier but this was my first mainly ETPro team :P as I had some ETPub clans with small etpro side before.

Sucks its not on replay because I had the best/funniest doc return on frost I probably ever had :D Sitting with knife behind the door @ ladder because I had no ammo left and stabbed the carrier in the middle of all his mates >:D
haha yeah i remember that team :))
Just realized from the people i still talk to abit nowadays, ive probably known you the longest xD
haha true :)
in the last 6 years we only played together in 2 teams if im right
matrix and team-astrum i think
think so yea :P

Played with tourney with a hacker ( I didn't know)
He told me he was dashiva from the causality clan :(

though it wasn't the first official, but surely the first gtv match^^
are we just going to go ahead and ignore your games as myth6s? :(
im not sure if u are actually serious with ur comment :S
wat? myth6s = a friend of heinzy/xCess afaik, who played together with him @ reliably in 06. He was from East Germany, playing with scum such as seNti ,oGr, junky/saNta w/e, tuz0 etc. later on. Also he's probably in his mid/end 20's by now. I should know, cuz I was around at that time. Who spread this bullshit?
I guess this could be one definition of being old school - you can't find your first official from gamestv as it didn't exist at that time
nah that isn't my first


I'm guessing this one is the first, but not completely sure
That's possible.

The link I sent is the first match you played where "twidi" was added to the line-up.
yeah the lineups / stats aren't visible from most of the oldest games
TEAM-ZENITH Black vs bhstyle
04.02.06 20:00 CET

Malta vs Sweden
20.02.06 21:15 CET
im a huge fan please acknowledge my existence
Existence acknowledged!
Who are you not fanboying anyway
i only fanboy team wings members so le fu
ahja :D 3G und utopia waren die besten clanfreunde ;P
First ETPro Game was also my first offi :DDD. As far as I can remember I played against shidima ( FaKy, don , planlos) at the end of 2007. I managed to pull of an accuracy of 14% . Felt really different from etpub back then haha. After the game Faky showed us some basic stuff like leaning and throwing nades. XD
u was very gud sir same like nowdays :<
faky was a good teacher :)
i started with a win, played ettv way before i had an crossfire account :P
XD fucking olschool :DDDDDDDDD
Ton nom stais henrik? Lol
hahaha ouais mais je changais de nom a chaque semaine dans ce temps là
And this was the last match we've seen testi winning a 3on3 match... :P
21.04.13: my first offi after i started playing etpro in march 2k13
all my official games were serious since the beggining.
i dont quite rememeber the first offi, but i do remember the first one we won!
intense gaming, i think we won on karsiah and braundorf
Back in the day 2006 spring if I am not much wrong, was against Immortal Storm, oppos had famous player like Thomm.

TTDet's lineup was me , Julias and wrook I suppose?

First intense 6o6 match was http://www.gamestv.org/event/3012-n1ce-it-vs-teuva-total-dominating/ If I remember right we almost won oasis, but they managed to overrun us at gr!
You had 2 amazing mercs. Godjew and Saatana666
1st offi @ gtv was 19.04.2007 vs Poland neverminds

we won that ofc:P
1st serious offi was back in 2004 tho, i cant check which one exactly due to CB site is down, but i guess it was something in polish 6on6 ladder, which was pretty active back then tbh :P (like 70 teams or smth, maybe more)
played clanwars previously (2.56 & 2.55) but thats my first on gtv
my very first offi was also a serious offi. D: it's not on gtv tho nor can I view it from CB anymore, I just remember it being a 3on3 with my two brothers and getting smashed by France KareN (who was a good friend of mine even back then and used many different nicknames). it was also like 1 month after me and my younger brother restarted playing ET (after some year break or so), so we were beyond lowskilled.

maps were braundorf & adlernest!!!!
splth rolled you
that's what I said!
first serious was probably warleagues cup http://web.archive.org/web/20040603081334/http://www.rtcw.no/main/ETleague/viewleague.asp?league=13, finished 4th kinda disapointed we screwed second last game and didnt make top 3 but it was fun cup with fun games. actual first cb ladder was probably against troopers or something and we got spawn raped, cant remember too exatcly because we lost all games in the beginning and didnt have much structure.
Clan History since 20 Apr 2004 17:40

almost 10 years ago. Finland-=SVV=- I only remember that our map was Battery and coz i was so bad shooter back then I just sneaked through controls and won the game. After that I was always sneaking to controls and winning battery for us. Best gamesense since 2004

1st ettv
If i dont remember wrong
Quote coz i was so bad shooter back then

back then

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