memorial (*)

its 9 years since you passed away, but for every one who remembers!
one of the best players from Iron Cross (Jano,GrAszew,Mengel,lobuzzer,MrX,krizz,,spayki,Yashi) ,
[=||=] dan!el*

here is an old epitaph. made by Mit0s and DeL.

Yes i remember him R.I.P :(
what happened to him?
Am I completely wrong in thinking this is the guy that drowned?
I don't think so. If I remember correctly he was an RTCW player and was much younger. I could be wrong tho.
no its not the same guys
dont remember him but remember FF's tribute for him in our oc final, kinda cool to have a face for him finally

FF-Mit0s [*]Daniel We dedicate this last game in Final to our friend who passed away
seeing stuff like this makes me think about how much we flame and hate each other :D
but id be upset if anyone of u guys died
thats how it is in every sport tbh, only complete jerks enjoy it...
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
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